Why clutter can cause stress

Organization is the watchword for those who seek to align daily tasks with quality time, without putting their mental and physical health at risk. If you get disorganized, it is, more than anything, to disturb not only your life, but also that of those who are part of your cycle. You may be going through a difficult period generated by this carelessness and maybe you didn't even realize it.

A member of the Academia Españaeira de Neurologia (ABN), neurologist Leandro Teles informed that the fact that being organized helps the brain work effectively and with ease when performing activities that are predictable. In a statement to the newspaper Extra, Leandro told how this works in our brain: “When everything is scrambled and someone is looking for something, the brain spends time and performance to find what it wants. As a result, he gets tired and there is a drop in performance in activities that require more energy, such as decision making, for example”.

Loss of concentration, lack of performance to perform daily tasks and inertia in taking action are some of the causes that lack of organization can cause. If this is the current scenario, here are some of the possible reasons that can contribute to this and tips on how to create some methods to reverse this situation.


If you are one of those heavy internet users (people who browse frequently in order to search for content all the time) this can be a clear sign that your time is not being used with quality. Social networks, especially, are one of the main villains for the disorganized. So filter what you need, set a fixed time to access your pages and see what you need.

What to do first?

Routine is usually full and you are lost not knowing what to prioritize? Remember the good old schedule. Write down all commitments to be made and list them according to relevance and urgency. This way you will have more control of your actions and you will feel better when finishing everything calmly and carefully.

Three mighty letters

Are you the type of person who can't say no? This may be one of the most difficult factors to work with if your personality is one of those who value altruism. All kidding aside, learn to say the magic word “no” if you already have a considerable amount of work to do. It is not impoliteness or unwillingness to help others, but a favor to your health.

growing is necessary

Responsibility. Sounds like the description of the bogeyman, doesn't it? But she is the one who will put you back on track. Don't run away from your responsibilities by postponing your commitments with excuses that won't add anything to you. Developing habits that require more maturity can be a good alternative to ending the clutter in your life.

Organize the environment

Why clutter can cause stressThe workplace says a lot about a person. If your desk is disorganized it is very likely that your head is in the same way. Clean up things you no longer use, old papers with no expiration date, objects in disuse and everything that is being used as a mere decoration. Throw it all away and show only what you really use and need to do your job. That way, your brain will think faster and take care of what is essential.


Postponing, stalling, leaving for later are some of the definitions of procrastination. Dealing with her can be quite complicated, depending on the degree to which she is acting in your daily life. Procrastinating to a certain extent is normal, as we need to prolong certain situations to make room for what is really important. But, if there is a relapse to solve tasks with some urgency and there is no execution of both, review your concepts regarding this.

The reasons for disorganization can be linked to blocks ranging from lack of creativity, anxiety, laziness, discouragement and even depression. In order not to lose quality of life and let it affect your well-being, be aware of the symptoms you have been experiencing as a result of this disorganization. Often they are camouflaged and we don't realize how deep they are. If so, don't rule out a medical appointment for better follow-up.

Text written by Juliana Alves from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.

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