Life like the four seasons!

Spring is my favorite season of the year for many reasons. One of them is the pleasant climate, the other is the way in which all nature mobilizes to be reborn, in addition to the main thing, which is how the flowers explode in colors and aromas, bringing with them the energy of transformation and renewal for all of us. .

But it's not just because I love spring that I can ignore all the other seasons, nor hate them, because I understand that each one is necessary for nature to follow its natural flow, so that my beloved flowers can be born and , so I am willing to accept the other three seasons so that, at some point, I can enjoy my dear spring. Life like the four seasons!

In this way, I learned to see each cycle of life as a season of the year and, thus, I stopped fighting with the world. Like this?

Think with me:

If you look at your life from the outside, as if you were watching a movie, you would see that you go through cycles in which things happen following a certain pattern. "road map", which at the moment you don't understand, because you are too immersed in that reality to observe it in third person.

But think about it, if you look back to the present moment, you will surely identify a summer, which were those moments when everything was a big party and you were overflowing with warmth in some way (whether in the form of love, joy or of the two), there was also an autumn when you watched all your leaves fall, your reality crumble and everything you believed to be eternal became ephemeral, you were forced to just let things go.

Life like the four seasons!

And then, the dreaded winter has arrived too, without leaves and without the constant heat, you find yourself sunk in melancholy, in a gray that seems to have no end, you feel the cold, you feel alone and you are forced to look inward and face your shadows until you begin to forgive yourself, others and life. Those forgiveness and acceptance become a blanket and hot chocolate that make you feel comfortable again, and then there you are, wrapped in your good energies just watching life unfold.

Believe me, there is no bad phase, there is no such thing as everything going wrong, because every little snowflake that falls on you and chills your spine serves a greater purpose. Everything that went wrong was just the path to what is about to go very well.

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And finally, she arrives, the long-awaited spring of life.

In that moment, you give thanks to God for everything that came out of the plans, because as you watch the flowers blooming, the trees bearing fruit and the birds singing, you realize that if you had gotten that job you prayed for, today you wouldn't be in a ten times better job. Or if it had worked out with that person you thought you loved, you would never have found the true love of your life.

Finally, what I mean by this whole story about the four seasons is that we, you and I, have no idea of ​​divine plans and what we see is a small portion still all distorted by our ego. We know what we want, but we don't know what we really need. Therefore, we must accept the seasons that we are going through and just allow nature to do its work naturally, because in it everything is perfect and we must mirror ourselves.

Life like the four seasons!

When you are summer, may your sun shine. When it's autumn, may you not be afraid to let your leaves fall and may everyone see how majestic your branches are. When it's winter, may your love warm you. And when spring comes, may you not be afraid, may you surrender and may you blossom.

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