Why Can Victims of Vicious Narcissists Collapse?

One of the most common symptoms that often occur when someone is immersed in an abusive relationship is a gradual breakdown of physical and psychic forces in all areas of life. At first, the wear and tear is almost imperceptible, but over time and due to the massive giving up of oneself in the name of someone else, this type of bankruptcy, as if it were a wound, is installed throughout the body in a devastating way. .

As a warning maxim, it is important that victims know that there is no negotiation possible when living with the tireless and inaccessible Perverse Narcissist/Psychopath. The purpose of this, literally, is to control and command absolutely every desire and identity of whoever is close to him. The drama occurs mainly in affective partnerships, but also in workplaces and within some families.

Through the insertion of fear, coercion, manipulation in general and threats of abandonment, abusers shape the prisons where they keep their hostages. The result, while the victims are not fully awake, is a gradual, uncontrollable and sad tiredness that, with time, tends to progress to situations of total collapse. A dangerous exhaustion, the result of the infinite attempts and inordinate efforts exerted in order to promote the denial of the situations of veiled violence that pass. Most of the time, the perplexity about the inconsistency of the facts experienced makes those involved find it difficult to believe in what is happening, in the evidence and in the breadth of the plot where they are. Another fine line that is equally dangerous, provoking the same type of breakdown, occurs when one remains in this type of relationship for too long.

Denying the emotional noises and even the frightening evidence that certain abusive relationships provoke can generate an important inversion of energies that should go out as a kind of survival cry, but which are instead drastically thrown inwards in an absurdly harmful way, to the point of installing total silencing of all defense capabilities.

The collapse, therefore, comes as a response and a cry for help from an organism that is sick due to the excessive withdrawal of indignation suffered, unresolved anger, fears and all the paralyzing perplexity experienced. The results, in addition to feelings of sadness and desolation, progress to the total forgetfulness of oneself and, as a consequence, to the lack of necessary care that are transformed into harmful habits, such as sleeping less than necessary, having poor diet, procrastinating. and others that appear on the same frequency.

In the end, everything that was once important to do in the name of oneself becomes meaningless. There is a lack of vitality for life in general and for doing the ordinary things that were always done. Remembering that a low quality of life is usually a determining factor in these feelings of bankruptcy. Excessive anxiety, sadness and emotional trauma in general cause the body to spend more energy than it can handle, it would be as if it were drained even before being used. The result of tiredness, therefore, is infinitely different from what we feel when we do too much sport or work too much.

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One of the main revealing icons of this plot comes to the fore when, apparently suddenly, the person finds himself without the strength to do anything else. Victims of this plot, without being able to realize what is really happening in their lives, end up delivering to the dominator everything they have best.

On the Perverse Narcissist/Psychopaths:

Why Can Victims of Vicious Narcissists Collapse?
Isai Ramos/Unsplash

Most researchers understand them as if they were carriers of a neurological flaw from birth that formed this type of character, another part states that the psychosocial conditions of early life greatly contribute to the development of such psychological characteristics. What matters, however, is to know that absolutely everyone who is configured within a spectrum of ill functioning and similar invariably and in different ways and degrees, at some point, will show attitudes that generate danger for other people. They don't have any empathic ability and can never put themselves in the other's shoes, in short, they don't understand what feelings are, although they know they exist. Strategically depending on what they will need to achieve what they want, they invent a very convincing theatricalization. Everyone has highly developed seduction skills so they can achieve their goals.

They are greedy, have no moral sense, and literally live in pursuit of what gives them pleasure. In the subtypes, there are those who get pleasure only from something sordid and cruel, for others, the pleasure is in making money, whether it's taking advantage, cheating, cheating, scamming and so on... They know that laws exist, but they do it. everything in its own way, hidden and in the midst of its own laws. Most of the time they act behind the scenes, where no one sees them and can hardly report them. When they are involved in situations of moral harassment or emotional abuse with their affective partners, still due to their manipulative skills and the distorted pleasure they have, they delight in confusing them, often making them feel guilty.

Why Can Victims of Vicious Narcissists Collapse?
Aliyah Jamous/Unsplash

It is important to know that social psychopaths, also known as perverse narcissists, are among us and now more than ever, with the knowledge we have about what they are like, their days are numbered.

Their actions range from something of misconduct that literally takes people off their feet, to Serial Killers. All are from the same mental illness family to different degrees, but all are dangerous. They do not have the emotional awareness that normal people have and will hardly ever have, therefore, a breakdown within a relationship of this order works as a warning of the urgency to get out of this limit situation. The abuser does not seek therapy as he feels he has no issues to be addressed and says the victim does. He's right, but he doesn't need it because he can't handle it, he doesn't stay in any therapy because he doesn't have the ability to dive into himself. For him, when something happens, it's always the other's fault. For the victim, good therapy can open endless doors and save life.

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