Learn to improve the quality of your time

Time is contemplated, discussed and sung. In Greek mythology, Kronos was the god of time. Son of Uranus, deity that represented the sky and Gaia, deity that personified the earth. Kronos dethroned his father and assumed power. Fearing the prophecy that he would be betrayed by one of the sons, he devoured each one of them. Hence the thought that time devours us. The Greeks used the words chronos and kairos. Chronos is chronological or sequential time, it concerns aging and other matters related to the passage of time. He is the lord of time. The word chronometer comes from Kronos.  

Kairos is the indeterminate time the opportune time. It represents the occasion where something special happens. She had a scale in one hand. The instrument symbolizes balance and justice. He was a naked young man, with wings on his shoulders and ankles, he had locks of hair on his forehead, but the back of his head was bald. The depiction indicates that he could only be grabbed when he was passing someone. For Christian theology, kairos is God's time. This time is not measured, therefore, it is the superimposition of God on the chronos. Have you ever heard that “if it didn't happen, it's because the time is not right yet” or that “things have the right time to happen” and similar sayings? Kairos is exactly that.

In Roman mythology Saturn is the god of time. Expelled from heaven by his son Jupiter (god who represented the day), Saturn is a prisoner in Tartarus, a distant and dark place. He reappears in Lazio (Central Italy) where he imparts teachings on agriculture and establishes a time of prosperity. The construction of Rome is attributed to Saturn. An altar is built in his honor. Saturnália is another tribute to Saturn. Held in December, the feast featured banquets, suspension of tasks, and combat, and for a week the dominators served their slaves.

Saturday was when Saturn reigned supreme. The Roman Empire had the Sabbath as a day of rest and homage to the god. His cult was strongest in Africa, where it was associated with the fertilization of the earth. Saturn represents our responsibility for what we do with it. In astrology, Saturn is an element fraught with complexity. It is the present, reality and what shapes creative ideas. It also indicates responsibility for our actions. For astrology, when Saturn is close to the other stars, it confers shadows, ruins, disturbance and violence.

the different times

Man's relationship with time has several facets. Each area of ​​knowledge deals with time differently. It is crucial for us to understand the facts. Our vital functions are also governed by it. Let's list some of its importance in different subjects.

time in literature

Time also has full relevance in the literature. The character has his actions motivated by him. Readers understand his character and attitudes. Time in literature is divided into chronological (or historical) and psychological (or metaphysical). Chronological time follows a linear order. Psychological time is subjective. History starts in the future, goes to the past and ends in the present, for example. The character's anxieties, anxieties and desires determine the passage of time. The flashback is a tool in the construction of psychological time.

Historical and geological time

The first inhabitants of the Earth counted the time by the observation of the natural phenomena. The phases of the moon, the position of the other stars, the growth of crops were the parameters for calculating the passage of time. Chronological time, however, is not the subject of interest in History. Scholars understand that impacts on society, changes in political relationships, economic practices are important to analyze time. Geology uses another scale. Geological time is divided into eons, eras, periods, epochs and ages. The classification of these periods and the intervals between events represent meanings for the evolution of living beings. Established in the 19th century, geological time is the timeline of the first events that occurred on our planet to the present day.

cosmic calendar

The cosmic calendar summarizes the history of humanity from the Big Bang to the present day. Elaborated by Carl Sagan, American scientist, professor at Harvard, consultant and advisor to NASA, it brings interesting curiosities, each second of the cosmic calendar corresponds to 500 real years. On this time scale, the Big Bang happened on January 1st, the Milky Way and other galaxies appeared on March 1st, the origin of the Earth happened on September 14th and the first life forms appeared on September 25th. For the cosmic calendar Pedro Álvares Cabral would have arrived in España in the last moments of December 31st.

biological time

The human body undergoes changes overnight. The circadine rhythm, or biological time, dictates the phases of sleep and wakefulness, digestive activities and other functions. Some diseases usually manifest at specific times. Allergic diseases such as rhinitis and asthma worsen at dawn.

Biological time influences drug absorption. Chemotherapy is most effective when personalized to the rhythm of each patient. Scholars explain that the best way to interpret this clock is to take blood samples every hour. The hormone melatonin is what determines the circadian rhythm. The molecular calendar is also used to identify biological time. Developed by Japanese scientists, the method consists of collecting two blood samples within 24 hours. The difference is that more than 50 hormones are analyzed in this exam.

The time flies

He accelerates. We feel this more and more. This sensation would have started in the Industrial Revolution. The creation of engines and their placement on trains made travel faster. As a result, people began to have another relationship with time. Before the invention, it was indifferent to take weeks to cross a city. With the modernization of trains, people knew when the means of transport would leave the station and the exact time of travel.

In the late 20th century, technology and the internet further influenced our relationship with time. The internet allows for the rapid dissemination of information. We want messages to be answered immediately. Newspaper scoops get old in a minute. Today's teenagers don't know it, but depending on the city, letters took up to 30 days to reach their recipient.

Science also explains the frantic dance of time. As we age, the production of dopamine, the neurotransmitter responsible for sleep, mood and energy, drops. This reduction slows down the biological clock. Peter Mangan, an American neuroscientist researched the effects of decreasing this neurotransmitter. The volunteers were divided into three age groups and they were supposed to warn when 60 seconds had passed. The young ones took 54 seconds and the older ones took 67 seconds.

take good care of time

We miss incredible opportunities because we waste it on what's not important. We've been mulling over hurts for years, wasting energy on toxic people, holding on to wrong beliefs, and pushing things with our belly. We have selected tips for you to manage your time and live fully.

be realistic

There are 24 hours in a day, get that into your head. Don't commit to a thousand daily tasks. You won't be able to do them. Classify three tasks as indispensable and see their performance. Gradually increase the number, but be careful not to stay late at the office or take work home.

organize your time

Learn to improve the quality of your time

You need to know your routine. The quality of your day starts there. Make a spreadsheet, use a calendar, apps or the good old notebook. Those who work from home need to be extra careful with the routine. Organize the day, week and entire month. Pasting colorful reminders on your computer helps you not forget. Make a color scheme, yellow, red and orange for priority activities. Knowing what you need to do every day, it will be hard to fall for the next mistake.

bye procrastination

You have a lot of work and it takes time to get started. The scene is classic. When sitting in front of the computer, remember to check social networks, decide to answer messages, call someone. Spend several days in this routine. A glance at the calendar and a scare – the deadline is running out. Eat meals while working. Spend the morning in front of the computer. Sleep only three hours to finish the task. These scenes are also classic. The result is a poorly done job. You guilty and sure you could have done better. Not to procrastinate:

  • Think about how you feel doing everything at the last minute? Skipping meals, sleeping poorly and overindulging in coffee is not cool. Turning in poorly done work sucks. When leaving it to the last minute, spelling and agreement errors go unnoticed. The boss realizes that they were carried out in a hurry. Think about it!
  • Set start and end times for each activity.
  • Set times to check emails. One in the morning and one in the afternoon. Dedicate half an hour to each shift.
  • Messaging apps for professional subjects only.
  • If you work from home, ask to be charged. If people stay at home during the day, ask for an ear pull at the first sign of procrastination. Spend all day alone? Stick stickers on your computer, books, or any work material with the phrase “'Procrastination is for the weak'”, just like that in capital letters.
  • live with family or are married,
have time for you

Take small breaks during the day. Take breaks every 50 minutes at work. We already talked about this in the article 10 tips to relax in 60 seconds. Productivity and your quality of life will increase. Walk around the office, stretch your neck, legs, arms, exercise your shoulders and take care of your breathing. Inhale and exhale through your mouth very deeply. Watching is another good exercise to relax. If your workplace has a garden, be sure to contemplate the flowers. The simple act of looking out the window already sends tensions away. See how it's not impossible to relax during working hours?

Listen to music. She's not just entertainment. Its benefits are scientifically proven. It stimulates self-knowledge, calms, strengthens memory, eases pain, improves communication and creates bonds. Music releases dopamine and is already used by doctors, physical educators and therapists in treatments. During your travels, listen to music and feel the many benefits.

Take a walk. In addition to losing weight, exercise strengthens the lungs, improves circulation and wards off depression. Being in touch with nature also has benefits. Sunbathing for 15 minutes before 10 am improves calcium absorption, which is essential for bone health. The sun even better the mood. Moving the earth is also therapeutic. Making a small vegetable garden at home helps you relax and even improves your diet.

Time is precious. It's a shame few recognize it. It's a shame so much waste. Do you feel like you don't do anything productive? Do you see your existence summed up in doing what you don't like? Do you feel trapped by toxic feelings and thoughts? Rethink your attitudes and look at the image that the mirror returns. The tired and old look is not a sign of age, but of unhappiness. Our life is the result of the way we manage time.

Don't waste your time for enemies. Invest all your free time for your family, friends and for your physical and mental well-being. Some things depend on kairos and are not within our reach. Fight for your goals and make sure they will come true, in the right time. About chronos, we can and must manage with precision. Set your priorities and don't make life a gold rush.

Use time to your advantage and it will be your best friend. Don't let it slip by the hand and it won't devour you. The good relationship with him is explained in the quote by actor and composer Mário Lago “I made an agreement of peaceful coexistence with time. Neither does he pursue me, nor do I flee from him. Some day we meet". Reflect on what you do with your life, think fast and change even faster, there may be no tomorrow.

• Text written by Sumaia Santana from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team

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