Why be afraid (or not) of death?

    The end of life, or death, as you prefer, is the only certainty we have throughout our existence. For some easier, others more difficult, this is a very painful time to overcome. But, after all, if the only certainty is that we will all die, why do we suffer so much?

    Our life is guided as if there is no tomorrow. Who, after all, likes to think, or hasn't found himself interrupting a thought about the possibility of a loved one dying? Probably all of us. We are not prepared for the end of another's life, let alone for our own.

    There are basically two reasons for our lack of preparation. The first is what the moment that will cause our death will be like. It will hurt? I don't know about you, dear reader, but apart from the very unlikely possibility of dying in your sleep, all the others worry me a little. The second, with a more philosophical and theological content, is what happens after the end of life.

    Why be afraid (or not) of death?Many use religion to find an answer that satisfies them.
    about the possibility of an afterlife. Practically all of them preach some kind of reward for those who have correctly followed the precepts of a doctrine. Others prefer to have beliefs of their own, without necessarily believing in a religion. The most fascinating are those who don't believe in anything, only that everything will really come to an end in death and go about their normal lives.

    The child hears little about death from the parents. At school, the subject is passed on in a superficial way, restricted to science classes or historical records. On television, on the other hand, death is portrayed as a horrible tragedy, which frightens and terrifies us.

    If it's hard enough to comfort someone over the death of a loved one, let alone prepare them for this lifelong moment. Some cultures, such as Mexico and the Day of the Dead, make this topic less distant from people's reality, but it is a very delicate issue to address.

    Regardless of the certainties and where we are going after death, the important thing is to give our best in the present life., after all, it is the only time when we can really do something better for ourselves and those we love.

    Written by Diego Rennan of the Eu Sem Fronteiras team

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