Why are you only disappointed?

Disappointments and perseverance
Life is full of disappointments from the day we are born. A baby that is coming into the world, that leaves the mother's womb to enter a cold world that will never offer the same comfort and security as pregnancy. It's even a little funny, after all we know some people who in different ways, whether through competence, dishonesty or even luck, manage to get things you've always wanted. You see these people leave the current level and grow in life and in their professional careers. They are children, family and a job that brings status. Everything you desire and therefore judge that the other is happier than you. Really? Our society is very much guided by appearance and, mainly, by the images we project of ourselves to the world, whether through social networks or any other way of disseminating information. We tend to imagine that our problems are bigger and worse because we have a real perception of all the events that affect us, unlike others. That person who spends a wonderful life can have immeasurable sufferings that we have no idea, but maybe they may have small problems, smaller than ours, but they suffer much more. Pain and suffering, in addition to being subjective, also do not have an exact proportionality relationship. What causes too much pain and/or suffering to one does not necessarily mean it will cause the other.

Of course, every disillusionment carries an instant emotional charge and limits our rational analysis of why things are the way they are. If we could go deeper into each one's life to understand the dramas and sufferings of others, just the fact that you are a literate person and have access to this text already makes you privileged in opportunities. Our references are always observed above us, but the great truth is that there are many more people below. Why don't we notice it? Because it doesn't interest the media, the powers that be and most people, maybe even us.

Why are you only disappointed?

Most good-natured and honest people struggle every day to survive. The father of the family who supports the house, the mother who educates and works, the children who help with the expenses and so on. The lives of most people are daily struggles. And because we don't choose our opponents, we tend to lose more than we win.

If people fighting a lot are not sure of being successful, then we can't even imagine what it would be like if we didn't fight. Unfortunately, there is no such thing as “they lived happily ever after” in reality. It is possible to complete objectives, but soon after will come others that may be successful or unsuccessful.

There is no secret to overcoming life's disappointments. Each one offers a different teaching or recipe, and they are often antagonistic. “Go ahead, don't give up” or “Know when to move on” are two possible paths. Either the same path or a different one will bring many battles.

Written by Diego Rennan of the Eu Sem Fronteiras team

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