Who takes care of you?

Do you take care of yourself? Do you notice your body? Do you know when something is out of balance in you? Do you feel what you are experiencing at the moment and identify the pain caused by this living? Do you notice your breathing and how it changes throughout the day and the situations you experience?

What I'm actually asking is if you know how to take care of yourself, if you know the things that feed you physically, emotionally and mentally to move forward confidently or if you outsource this task, whether with doctors, friends, family, companions, in short, it doesn't matter with whom, but you outsource the attention you need to give you same daily.

Who takes care of you?

The days fly by, the tasks only increase, as do the goals, the dreams of consumption and the aesthetic standard that we are charged with. It's hard to find time to understand yourself, take care of yourself, caress yourself, let alone enjoy yourself. The year is getting shorter and shorter, we are already at the end of another one, by the way, and I hear a lot from people that they didn't even see it go by, however eleven months have passed and now?

We are probably already making appointments for 2020, we are already worrying and occupying the new year even before it arrives and for what? Why has it become so difficult to stop and understand yourself, take care of yourself, cherish and like yourself? At what point do we lose ourselves or worse do we start to think it's a waste of time to invest in our feelings, fears, anguish? At what point did we become so worthless that we put ourselves at the end of or take ourselves off the list of important tasks?

Who takes care of you?

Ask yourself and observe: what is your waking up like? Do you take a few minutes to wake up your body, observe how you feel, how you slept or get up quickly, get ready, run out and barely swallow a coffee?

Ask yourself and observe how your lunch is? Do you have lunch or order a snack through Rappi? Do you savor what you're eating or do you automatically chew it while talking about work?

Ask yourself and observe how your dinner is? Is it quiet, light and prepares you for a good night's sleep or is it in front of the TV devouring a series?

And your night's sleep, have you noticed it? Do you dream or pass out in bed, have insomnia or sleep well? Does your schedule allow you this rest or are you on the list of those who believe that sleeping is a waste of time?

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Do you practice any physical activity? If so, do you do something that you like and that involves you completely or do you do what is possible according to your location and schedule availability, finding it a pain to do that?

When you go for a walk, do you go to places that interest you or just follow your coworkers at happy hour? Do you listen to songs you like or the ones that are on the hit charts? These questions may seem silly, but they denounce your degree of involvement with yourself and how important you perceive yourself and where on that list of tasks you occupy.

We are getting sicker and the rates of depression, anxiety, suicide, violence are increasingly frightening, we become addicted to medicines, synthetic drugs, alcoholic beverages, marijuana, cocaine and so many other substances that numb us, desensitize us and take us away of the axis, of the plummet of ourselves.

Who takes care of you?

We seek outside, outsource to others or substances in an attempt to find a quick and easy solution to everything that bothers us and in our life. The question is until when?

How long are we going to get sick instead of respecting each other?

How long are we going to take medicine and the like instead of discovering, welcoming, understanding and transforming what causes pain?

How long are we going to have an abusive relationship with us believing that it is the other who treats us badly?

A while ago I wrote a text called Relationship, in which I asked what was your desire to relate to other people. Today, in this text, I ask: what is your desire to relate to yourself?

Who takes care of you?

How big is your self-esteem in the very pure sense of the word, how much do you esteem yourself, do you love yourself, take care of yourself?

I believe that many diseases are triggered by a lack of self-esteem, self-love, self-care, I think they are slowly settling in and taking shape, intensity, they are making themselves noticed while we try to silence them with sedatives, painkillers, pretending that everything is fine. Then, when the discomfort is too great, we make appointments, exams and sometimes we even follow the medical guidelines, but where is the internal investigation about what could have caused that? Where is the implication with what you eat, how you live, with the pattern of thought and so many other variables that we are interested in? Many body dysfunctions become dysfunctional through disinterest and neglect.

I know that our body gets sick and I am not one of those people who believes that we get cancer, but I believe that we are able to avoid a lot of pain and discomfort and that this is possible as we look at ourselves, that we allow ourselves to feel unpleasant things and welcome them. them as a part of us. Not wanting to hide them or make them magically disappear.

Who takes care of you?

Our routine is insane I know, but I also know that we can always look and smile at ourselves recognizing our internal wars, our challenges, setbacks and our strength to keep up in the fight.

The invitation I make to you with this text is to take ownership of your life, your pains instead of delegating them to others, the request is for a kind, loving look at your story, your feelings and the choices that come from it. . Take care of yourself, relate to yourself and dive into the infinity of wisdom, love, beauty, sisterhood that each of us carries within.

You need to be the person who cares most about your being well and the first person who offers you help when something is wrong.

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