Without communication any relationship sinks

    Without communication any relationship sinks

    “Don't expect people to guess what you want. Isn't it frustrating when someone leaves you with no explanations, expecting you to "read signs"? So. Life would be so much simpler if everyone understood that communication is the key to relationships and that it is precisely the lack of it that creates so much conflict. Always make it clear what you want and what you mean, and encourage people to do the same.”

    Our mission…

    Here is the place for those who seek self-knowledge as the main tool for personal and spiritual development. This will reflect on your relationships with you and, consequently, with the world around you.

    For Instituto Metafísico, helping people to gain skills and knowledge is not just a commitment, but a passion. With a wide variety of courses and services, we make self-knowledge easy, accessible and fun.

    “We want a better world, improving your WORLD, but for that we just need you to want the same too.”

    You may like another video by this author. Access: Self love is the greatest evolution

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