Learning philosophy with the book "Sophie's World"

When we think of Philosophy, it is common to think of an old man with a long white beard saying complex ideas and using difficult words. But the truth is that philosophy is nothing like that.

Philosophy is simply the act of thinking, reflecting, reaching conclusions (or not). So everyone is able to philosophize, right? The problem is that not everyone knows this.

The book "Sophie's World"

Teaching an adult to develop critical thinking and to reason and reflect more is possible, of course it is. But instilling these habits in a child or teenager is much easier and more fruitful, because we can create a more critical and thinking generation.

Learning philosophy with the book
Sabrina Eickhoff / Pixabay / Me Without Borders

And a great gateway to the world of philosophy is the book “Sophie's World”, by Norwegian writer Jostein Gaarder. Published in 1991 and having been published in more than 60 languages, with more than 40 million copies sold, the work has become an essential classic.

the synopsis

The work tells the story of Sofia, a 14-year-old teenager, who, on the eve of her birthday, begins to receive some anonymous letters with questions and reflections that introduce her to the world of Philosophy, bringing her closer to her life and inviting her to to know yourself more, in addition to understanding the universe around you.

Despite having a teenager as the protagonist, “O Mundo de Sofia” is not a book designed exclusively for young people of the same age, because its language is quite neutral, and can be enjoyed by both teenagers and adults, who will have fun and be entertained with the story.

One of the biggest compliments that the book received at the time of its release was precisely its genius ability to talk about a topic like Philosophy – which was quite inaccessible and written in complex language – in a light, simple, engaging way that makes you want to turn the page and read more and more.

Sofia's reflections

Most of the letters Sofia receives from her mysterious sender include questions that, despite seeming to be very complex thoughts, make her think about herself and her own life.

Learning philosophy with the book
Julia M Cameron / Pexels / Me Without Borders

What is Philosophy? What is freedom? Are we born bad or is the world corrupting us? How are philosophy and religion related?

These are some of the questions that permeate Sofia's daily life as she maintains a dialogue with her mysterious interlocutor, who introduces her (and us) to the main thinkers of Western Philosophy, starting with the Greeks, with Socrates and Plato. , and reaching the most modern, always bringing the teachings to Sofia's life (and to ours).

a good starting point

If you are a person who does not have much contact with reading, but you are wanting to acquire this habit, looking for a book that is pleasant to read and that presents you with the pleasure that a book can be, “O Mundo de Sofia” may be the choice. certain.

Mixing philosophy and fiction, the work builds a web that involves us in two ways: we want more and more information about Philosophy and the thinkers presented, but we also want to follow the development of the girl Sofia and find out who the mysterious sender is.

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So, if you want a good starting point both to start reading more and to study Philosophy, “Sophie’s World” will help you kill two birds with one stone, because it will make you leave reading with a beautiful foundation of Philosophy. , in addition to making you want to read more and more books!

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