Who do you believe yourself to be?

Posted on July 21

Good Morning! Ready! Our planet has passed the deadline, we will no longer be destroyed and we are now reinstated in the Galactic Council. Congratulations!

But and now?

Who do you believe yourself to be?

Now, we have been given a new chance to evolve, we are at the end of the epoch of the fifth human race, the sixth race, the Crystals are already being born, and they come with all the necessary love for the change of the planet of the new age.

But whether we live in 3D or 5D is an individual choice, as we are not talking about physical space, a place, but a frequency.

We are eternal beings, magnificent, divine sparks. Everything is energy, so with our vibration we can create everything! All the same, because we are stellar beings living here. And this is where we need to make the change.

The old phrase, of being the change you want to see in the world… this has been said for years, brought by the avatars, to help our humanity understand the mission.

Here we talk about awakening, expansion of consciousness, but what are we doing with it?

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What are we doing with all this information and acquired power?

Who do you believe yourself to be?

Posting lighting on social networks and co-creating parking space, each one in their own house with cell phone in hand, isolated, while people commit suicide every 30 minutes out of lovelessness and sadness? While at your house nobody talks with real emotional intimacy, because nobody looks at anyone, and at your work you don't even know that your colleague lost something very important to him, and on the street where you walk looking at your cell phone there are people lying down in the cold and hungry?

What expansion of consciousness is this? Let's think…. It won't be the extraterrestrials who will land here to do it, it's us, who have bodies of this density, who will do it. We are the change.

That's why we woke up!

The entire cosmos is helping us, waves of light, pulses of love, incredible reinforcements for you to expand consciousness in this time of planetary transition, all for you to wake up and do.

Do what?! Little things in your day. Do good, act ethically, love, forgive, forgive yourself and do it! That's it. Knife!

Happy New Age. We are together. We are one.


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