30 important qualities for any type of relationship

30 important qualities for any type of relationship

If you're looking for a prince charming to offer you the perfect relationship, you can start reviewing your concepts, because that doesn't exist. If we analyze it coldly, perfection is too boring! If you get a complete boyfriend, he won't need you for anything. The ideal relationship is one that complements what the other lacks.

But the fact is that in the beginning everything works very well. You love everything in the other, even the flaws, until the time when the routine starts to get in the way. Fights become frequent and the end is inevitable. Some characteristics are fundamental to a happy and lasting relationship. Among many of them, we separate 30.

If you know someone who meets at least five of these items, consider yourself lucky.

  • You need to know yourself to live a good relationship. Understand!
  • Know how to relate to yourself, so that you can relate to others
  • Cultivate a healthy relationship with our tips
  • Evaluate what it means to have a good character
  • Free yourself from toxic relationships without fear

Get in a relationship with someone whoโ€ฆ

  1. Make you smile for some reason, as simple as it may be, every day.
  2. By hugging you, make you forget everything around you.
  3. Enjoy giving you long kisses and keep giving you endless kisses even after years together.
  4. With small attitudes, make your day more colorful.
  5. Make you feel that butterflies in your stomach every time they meet or at least once in a while.
  6. Have sex, but also make love. May the pleasure be mutual.
  7. Enjoy reading, listening and telling good stories.
  8. Be your safe haven in times of fear, trauma and affliction.
  9. Sing with you or for you, even if you don't know how to sing.
  10. Make you feel special and loved.
  11. Treat your friends and family well and make it a point to be with them.
  12. Be honest with yourself above all, always.
  13. Show that you love you every day with different attitudes.
  14. Send good morning and good night messages full of affection.
  15. Let him make plans with you and include you in the plans he already has.
  16. May, in addition to being a boyfriend or husband, also be your best friend and confidant.
  17. That you dance with yourself even if you don't know how to dance.
  18. That respects your space, that lets you breathe when you need to be with other people or even alone.
  19. That, on cold days, likes to watch movies and stay under the covers.
  20. Who takes care of you when you need it and even when you don't.
  21. May it dry your tears and calm your heart when you need it, even if you don't ask.
  22. That makes you miss him, even if it's just a day without seeing him.
  23. Who calls you in the middle of the day just to hear your voice and say he loves you.
  24. Who knows how to cook or who is interested in cooking with you to help you.
  25. That in the middle of a fight hug you and calm you down, saying that everything will be okay.
  26. That you value common things like seeing the sunset by your side.
  27. That gives a new meaning to "forever".
  28. May I call you love.
  29. But also give you a thousand other affectionate nicknames that only you will understand.
  30. And that, in the end, makes you really happy.
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