Who are you when no one is looking?

We were taught to hate ourselves: we hate our bodies, our faces, our personalities and everything else that comes from within. Over time, we learn to mask all this and pass on a false image of an acceptable person, hiding all our imperfections, peculiarities and everything that makes us unique humans in this universe.

For years, I didn't eat what I wanted to eat, I did things I didn't want to do, and I put on makeup even when I didn't really want to. I hated the reflection in the mirror more than I should have.

Who are you when no one is looking?

Until one day I got tired of pretending, I got tired of wearing so much makeup to hide the unique person with an original personality given to me by God. So I asked myself:

Who are you when no one is looking?

It was then that I realized that a much more interesting version of myself appeared when I was alone. It was a version that wasn't ashamed to dance, smile or say what was on the mind. A lighter version of myself that was fun, that didn't have to force anything, let alone feel ashamed of who I really was.

I discovered that what I hid the most in myself was what made me really “beautiful”.

Who are you when no one is looking?

You and I, we are perfect humans in our imperfections, we are full of details, we are entire universes in a single being: from the drawings that form inside our eyes and the details of our curves to the stretch marks that only serve to decorate our eyes. our bodies.

We are perfect!

The only problem is that the world has trained our eyes and minds to hate natural perfection, because then they could sell more of what is artificial.

Who are you when no one is looking?So I hope that somehow you get up right now and look at yourself in the mirror with a little love, appreciating every detail of who you are. Please don't mistreat yourself anymore, don't judge yourself anymore.

I know it's not easy, but in small steps we will be able to take the focus off what makes us feel bad and, in this way, we can pay attention to what really matters, which is this incredible and infinite human being that appears when no one is looking.

You may also like another article by this author. Access: Life like the four seasons!

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