Who am I? Do you know who you are?

Who am I? Do you know who you are?
Who am I? Who are you?
Do you know who you really are? Do you really know yourself?

I can say that most of us believe that we are our psychological mind, our body, or the identity we build using our mind and the image we have of ourselves. We were taught that we are that, we spend our lives believing that the thoughts that go through our head are our own, but in reality they are the product of what we were taught during life, and the way we feel and interpret the experiences we live. All this is stored in your mental “computer”. This computer performs psychological games filled with emotions so that we get more and more involved with it.

In general, at least that's how it was with me, when we started trying to understand who we are, the first attempt is to try to understand the mind that is who we believe we are and I can say that this is an infinite work, because the mind will play with you since from the grossest to the most subtle form, using all weapons so that you continue to believe that you and she are the same. This work can last many lifetimes and it won't get us anywhere, we'll keep going in mental circles.

I spent a lot of time doing this work until I realized that I am not my mind and neither are my emotions, thoughts and emotions come and go, just like all external events.

I started to hear what you might call an “internal guru” or “intuition” more and more, but still my mind kept playing tricks on me, until the third time I did the Camino de Santiago de Compostela, when I arrived in Santiago , I met a gentleman who told me about Ramana Maharshi and about the question Who Am I?

This simple question is capable of destroying all mental patterns, it is a question that does not require an answer, who we are is Consciousness and that's it. When we are afraid, we can ask “Who is afraid?” because Consciousness is not afraid, it knows that all experiences in this world are just experiences.

After him I met Mooji, who is a follower of Ramana Maharshi and with Mooji's videos and satsangs I understood more and more what my “inner guru” was saying but I was not able to understand.

In my videos and texts I will share a little of what I learned, I have no intention of teaching anyone anything, after all who am I to teach anything…. As a Conscience, I only share with you Consciences, the teachings that in the depths of our hearts we all already know!


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