When to look for chiropractic care?

Most people experience back, neck and joint pain, but to get relief they do not want to use medication, as they have already realized that it is possible to seek healthy and effective alternatives to solve the problem in a safe and more natural way.

Among the many alternatives, chiropractic is a technique that, in addition to treating and eliminating pain, is also preventive of neuromusculoskeletal system disorders, with beneficial effects on the entire health of the body. Existing in España since the 1920s, it has only been popular for a few years.

Chiropractic was created by Canadian Daniel David Palmer, in the United States, in 1895. It is recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO) as an effective therapeutic technique to relieve, cure and prevent mechanical dysfunctions. It is worth remembering that it is not massage, but manipulation and maneuvers to align the spine and correct dysfunctions both in it and in the parts it influences.

First, the word chiropractic derives from the Greek – chiro (hands) and praxis (to practice) – and means “to practice with the hands”. In this technique, the hands are used to exert a controlled force on a certain region of the body, including clicking sounds, with the aim of restoring the functions of that specific area, as well as promoting the adjustment of organic activities. Thus, among the benefits of chiropractic are:

  • Reorganize physical, organic and central nervous system imbalances;
  • Treat neck pain, low back pain, sciatica, etc.;
  • Remove compression on spinal cord nerves;
  • Improve communication between the central nervous system, tissues and organs of the body and vice versa;
  • Stimulate alertness;
  • Relieve migraines;
  • Help with fibromyalgia treatments;
  • Promote energy balance and well-being;
  • Generate relaxation and tranquility;
  • Regular or are,
  • Improve the quality of life in general, in the control of stress, in the potentiation of memory and attention.
When to look for chiropractic care?
Marko Bukorovic/Pixabay

So this is a technique with great scope, which has been gaining strength in everyday life because it is being very popular and also because it is part of the Integrative and Complementary Practices of the Unified Health System. Thus, it can be indicated as a complementary alternative to medical treatments, free of charge to the population.

And even if you don't suffer from any kind of pain, you can get other benefits from it and achieve a happier life. But a question that arises is who is chiropractic for? Read on and know when to look for this technique.

How do I know if I should have chiropractic care?

People usually seek chiropractic care when they experience back, lumbar, or neck pain. Also when suffering from migraine, osteoarthritis, knee pain, osteoarthritis or fibromyalgia. Chiropractic is also indicated to relieve stress, bring tranquility and well-being and intervene positively in sleep regulation.

It still works to align the spine, especially for those who work for a long time in the same position or with bad posture and for those who have a very sedentary life. It is also recommended for those who want to improve blood circulation or simply obtain physical vigor.

In addition, the chiropractor (professional who applies chiropractic care) will make a diagnosis, including some clinical examinations, for example palpative, biomechanical, orthopedic, neurological, walking, measuring legs, muscle strength, etc. He may also request imaging tests. If, however, there is acute and permanent pain or general discomfort, it is essential that a doctor is consulted.

When looking for chiropractic care, keep in mind that if the chiropractor is competent and conscientious, he himself will refer you to a specialist doctor as soon as he identifies the insufficiency of the practice to solve the problem or that the application of the technique can worsen it. further.

How to choose a good chiropractor?

The term chiropractor is common, however, the correct one is chiropractor, as it refers to someone who specializes in chiropractic or chiropractic (term already in disuse). Anyway, the word that best expresses the designation of this professional is chiropractor. But regardless of the term assigned to the person who performs the technique, it is essential that the professional is well qualified and experienced.

When to look for chiropractic care?
Rolf Montag / Pixabay

To choose a good chiropractor, it is important to find out if he has a university degree in chiropractic or a postgraduate course offered to health professionals with a degree, recognized by the Ministry of Education. It is also essential that he is accredited by the Spanish Association of Chiropractic (ABQ).

It is also appropriate to verify that the clinic in which the chiropractor works is accredited, well organized, safe, well sanitized and offers comfort and well-being. This type of information can be obtained by consulting the internet and social networks on the references and opinions of people who were treated or treated there, as well as by visiting the place.

Can I do chiropractic care?

Chiropractic can be applied to babies, children, adults, pregnant women and the elderly, being a non-invasive and non-drug practice. Despite this, in some cases, the ideal is to look for a doctor, for example the general practitioner or a specialist, for example the orthopedist, when the pain is accompanied by numbness, tingling and loss of strength in the arms and legs.

In addition, the technique is not indicated when the person has fracture, bone cancer, severe osteoporosis, increased risk of stroke, bone infections and ankylosing spondylitis (a type of chronic inflammatory and autoimmune arthritis). It is important to remember that there are diseases for which some therapies, in addition to not having the expected results, can still worsen the problem.

When to look for chiropractic care?
Kian2018 / Pixabay

In summary, chiropractic is a technique suitable for all ages, with the aim of adjusting and balancing the neuromusculoskeletal system and promoting the general health of the organism. With broad benefits, achieved in quick and affordable sessions, it is offered by the Unified Health System (SUS).

A qualified, accredited and experienced chiropractor or chiropractor is the one who should diagnose and apply the technique, using the hands, in maneuvers that can cause clicking. Only he can solve back, neck and muscle pain and generate well-being through chiropractic.

  • Understand who can and cannot do chiropractic
  • benefits of chiropractic
  • 7 things you need to know about chiropractic
  • What is chiropractic indicated for? Discover the benefits of this technique!
  • What is chiropractic?

This XNUMXth century technique, developed by Daniel David Palmer in the United States, is recognized by the World Health Organization as complementary to conventional treatments for a large part of the population that suffers from different types of pain in many countries.

So if you are interested in chiropractic to have your health in order, follow the recommendations on how to identify a good chiropractor and allow yourself to adopt it in your routine to achieve well-being. Always take care of your body, your mind and your spirit. Preserve your health to enjoy all that life has to offer!

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