When does Earth Spirit become the symbol of Healing and Love?

“The Earth represents the visible side of life, the concrete manifestation of all the seeds that germinate in the world of ideas”.

Samuel Souza dePaula

Hoje dia de Gaia, to Terra! 

The mother Earth that welcomed us in her womb, the Earth element of Nature that gives structure, the Earth as an element of the signs.

What to feel and talk about the Earth? Joy and emotion, imagine a Taurus with Libra rising writing about Gaia. Pure overflow of Love.

Wonderful affective memories like, playing with food and clay pot, being barefoot, feeling the night dew on the grass, smell of wet earth after rain come instantly!

The ability to be a performer, organized, love planning. Currently, I'm more flexible, the organization is a compass and if I need to change direction, let's go.

Sometimes I need to land, when I get too far from my element, I get in touch with telluric energy to make my dreams come true, stay focused on the present and feel the strength of this Mother that pulsates in my being.

When does Earth Spirit become the symbol of Healing and Love?

The Earth is the nourishing force of Life.

It talks to us, gives clues, invites us to look at its divine and natural beauty, added to all the elements. Sometimes she screams and cries! Because of spoiled, cranky children who insist on exploring their bodies and their natural resources.

Earth, as a changing world, helps these same children to live their physicality, look at their shadows and recognize their light.

Earth is the element of healing. In our articles on the Inner Journey with the 4 Archetypes, we share the principle that this feminine element promotes healing. For it offers unconditional love, teaching us to love ourselves, others and Gaia, the Mother.

"When men have the right conduct, their cities flourish and there is no war or famine, for the earth brings abundance and happiness to all" 

When does Earth Spirit become the symbol of Healing and Love?

When we are truly aligned with this element, something magical happens. The sacred fire that pulses in us grows strong, for the earth supports it. Creativity, skills and talents are recognized, named, without false modesty. They awaken beautiful, mature sensations, the basic energy is experienced with maturity, delicacy, without haste, reception is the goal.

Many spiritual paths recognize and accept Earth as Goddess, Woman and Mother.

We women need to learn to reconnect with her, we can protect, preserve and care for her. As if it were our body.

In the individual aspect, the daughter of Gaia, takes care of her own being in all dimensions, physical, emotional, behavioral and spiritual.

“I who am the beauty of the green on Earth, the white moon among the stars, the mystery of the waters and the desire of men's hearts, I speak to your soul: wake up and come to Me, for I am nature itself, that gives life to the universe. From Me all things were born and to Me everything will return…”
The Goddess Command, compiled by Doreen Valiente

“Every step I take is a sacred step, every step I take is a healing step. I heal, I heal my body, together we heal Mother Earth with love.”
Traditional song from North American women's circles.

When does Earth Spirit become the symbol of Healing and Love?

Suggestion for energetic alignment:

Connection between Father Sky and Mother Earth energies

Lying down or standing, relax and contract all the muscles in the body, release tensions, relax the mind, take deep and gentle breaths, close your eyes, connect with the pulse of Gaia. Imagine a stream of green energy flowing from her to you, penetrating your feet and slowly ascending to the base of your spine, past your chakras, until it reaches the top of your head. Then it returns to Earth as a source of light. Focus on the breath and become receptive to another stream of energy, bluish white, flowing from space, bringing celestial, stellar and planetary vibrations. This energy penetrates through the crown chakra, crosses your entire spine and mixes with the energy, the energy of the earth, three fingers below the navel, remaking and activating the two energies, as a daughter of Father Sky and Mother Earth.

Use your will and imaginatively create a protective shield, colored around you, green around your body, white around your aura. Absorb and save this image. Breathe deeply, open your eyes slowly. Redo this protective cocoon whenever you wish. It is important to remember the combination of the two energies (Green from Earth and Silver from Heaven), to protect you from negative influences.

Happy Day of Gaia, of Cure and Love!

Loving embrace.

You may also like other articles by the author. Click: The Inner Journey and the Visionary Trail

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