Day 2 – Change your life in 21 days: Levels of Consciousness

Day 2 – Change your life in 21 days: Levels of Consciousness

HEADS UP: This text is part of a 21 Day Cycle physical, mental and spiritual healing process. For greater understanding, we advise you to start the cycle from the He is Zero. At the end of each article you will find links to all the days.

Hello beloved. This is our 2nd day of the PHYSICAL, MENTAL and SPIRITUAL HEALING process in the 21 DAY CYCLE.

I start today's text by thanking the collaborating therapist Guilherme Ortiz for recording this short video with tips on how to organize ourselves during the cycle. Guilherme will present other videos during our 21-day cycle. Thank you, William. A big kiss!

Get organized during the 21-day cycle:

CLICK TO WATCH THE VIDEO ON YOUTUBE: Change your life in 21 days

Beloved, now with our "balls" in the mirror or in the notebook, we can continue the cycle without reason to forget, right? For the more distracted, I also advise you to stick a note with the polka dots on the bedroom door, so you won't go in to sleep without confirming that you've done all the tasks for the day. No excuses!

As written in yesterday's schedule, we will practice a daily “Ho'oponopono” meditation in alpha state and also positive activities in beta state. But what is this? They are two of the four levels of consciousness: beta, alpha, theta and delta. The higher your mental frequency, the lower your ability. The lower the brain frequency, the greater its capacity. Let's understand better.


It is the state of mind you are in right now. It is the waking and maximum state of the conscious mind. It therefore represents the highest brain cycling, corresponding to an average of 21 cycles per second. Fear, tension, stress, fright and panic cause the cycling to increase up to 60 cycles or more, with psychosomatic diseases occurring due to this change in frequency.


It is the state of deep relaxation, meditation, contemplation and prayer, corresponding to a brain rhythm between 7 and 14 cycles per second. At this deeper level, the field of your intelligence, your memory, your creativity, your inspiration, your sensory and extrasensory perception increases and your intuition is more acute. Certainly, certain insights have occurred to you when you weren't even thinking about them, such as taking a walk or preparing a meal. It's when you let yourself be permeated by the possible. Any mental programming you do at an alpha level will effectively sensitize your subconscious. So abuse positive affirmations, for the deeper you imprint a determination or desire in your subconscious, the faster and stronger it will fulfill.


It is the deepest level and it is the last level that you reach in a state of consciousness. Brain rhythm is between 4 and 7 pulses per second. It is as if you are in a state of drowsiness but still in awareness, albeit in low frequency or deep hypnosis. By the way, the lower the frequency in a state of consciousness, the greater the mental energy. The more the boundary between the conscious and subconscious minds decreases, the closer you come to Infinite Wisdom, the Higher Self and the Cosmic Mind.


It's the sleep level. Brain rhythm is ½ to 4 cycles per second. In this state the conscious mind does not act. Brain activity at the delta level is very slow, ie ½ to 4 cycles/second. At this level, the senses are completely dormant and the person is totally unconscious, which corresponds to a state of deep coma, deep sleep or general anesthesia. With each good night's sleep, we replenish our everyday consciousness with a new and higher understanding of life. You know that time when you're almost asleep? So, enjoy the time you go to sleep and let yourself fall asleep connected to what you want to solve. The answer will surely come.

Well, Ho'opnopono meditation is to be done in quiet moments, with eyes closed, body and mind relaxed. This is our alpha state of mind and we will be more receptive.

Without realizing it, we enter this “alpha” state of mind dozens of times a day. Children even more… You know when the child stops to look at you at a point and we say that he is “in the world of the moon”? Well, actually her physical body is in this world, but her mind was in alpha, that is, "traveling".

Adults also do this all the time without realizing it, but from now on you will be aware when you go into alpha or when you see someone. "traveling". The ideal is not to interrupt this moment. It is super wrong for the teacher or the mother, for example, to take the child out of this state with a cry like:

"Wake up, boy"!

When we enter alpha, we access important content from our subconscious and also from the collective unconscious, so we can say that we are “relaxing and learning” during the day. It is at this level of consciousness that we do meditations and it is also on this level that we stay in the last few minutes before going to sleep…

You know when you are “kind of” watching TV or “kind of” doing a reading and without realizing it fall asleep with the book on your lap or the TV on? Right now you're transitioning from the alpha state to the theta state, let's say "kind of" a little on this plane and "kind of" a little on the other side.

Thus, the daily practice of our mental reprogramming at an alpha level is extremely important during the cycle, as we will be in this mental state of learning at least once a day, without being almost sleeping or "traveling", on the contrary, we will be receiving, through of guided meditation, positive messages of mental reprogramming and release of negative memories.

Every day we will also have activities for mental reprogramming at beta level, that is, in our normal state of consciousness, state of alert. To make it easier, every day I will post a text like this or a link to a good read so that you FORCED yourself to reprogram this mental state too.

What does this mean?

That we will be occupying our conscious mind with positive thoughts, good readings, etc. Those who have more time can increase this activity by reading a good book, watching a good movie, everything that is NOT linked to negativity, violence, terror, fights, but YES to PEACE, spirituality, self-knowledge, prayers, etc.

The more positive foods we give our conscious mind, the less negative foods will enter it, that is, the more you occupy your mind during the day at the beta (awake) level, the faster you will neutralize the negative contents you receive all day at this mental level, like news, soap operas, work intrigue, pressure, stress, family fights, traffic, bad moods, disappointments, and so on.


Today, just for Today I promise to fulfill the tasks of the day:

1 Step

Organization: Today we are going to follow the tip of the therapist Guilherme Ortiz and we are going to make the polka dots on the mirror, on a sheet on the bedroom door, on the agenda… The important thing is that you don't forget to enter this site daily and complete your tasks. This is not easy, because when we set out to improve, it seems that everything contributes to us giving up, skipping a day, making mistakes and not changing, right? Therefore, the task of organizing the cycle is extremely important. Your notes on the “balls” will remind you to come to the site and complete the tasks, in case you forgot.

2 Step

Mental Reprogramming at Beta Level: To reprogram at this level of consciousness, it is necessary to use the free time, which we are awake and wide awake, to reprogram with positive content. So choose a good book, a good movie or documentary to watch. A suggestion is to read my articles and others here on the portal: Texts by Raquel Koury

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3 Step

Alpha Level Mental Reprogramming: Ho'oponopono. Realize that each day we learn something new or more detailed about the Technique, the more sense it makes during meditation. Shall we meditate?

CLICK TO WATCH THE VIDEO ON YOUTUBE: Check out Ho'oponopono Meditation

CONDUCTED MEDITATION Ho'oponopono: 20 minutes that bring immediate relief!


The doctor ordered:

Today is the day to drink at least two liters of water. It doesn't matter how… Turn the bottle, force yourself to drink 1 glass every hour, whichever you prefer! But take 2 liters of water and start to feel the purification of your body.

Today your walk should take 30 minutes, seeking physical and mental balance and contact with nature.

Need a diet? It started yesterday? If not, today is a great day for you to start eating less and with more quality, even if you are not overweight. Start eating every 3 hours (don't forget), even if it's a grape, a strawberry, a yogurt, whatever, but don't go more than 3 hours without eating. See results in a few days.

If you like a beer, wine or whiskey, remember: There are few hours of joy and then days of moral hangover, anguish or loneliness. Think of it this way: Today, just for today, I will not drink alcohol. What does it cost to wait for the end of this 21-day cycle???

My diary:

Beloved:My 2nd, 3rd and 4th day will take place on Saturday, Sunday and Monday. In this way, the posts of these days are being made even before I practice the tasks of the day with you, so that no one loses the “chain”, the sequence… my experiences and the changes that I will have already achieved with video of my updated cycle. Look what faith, huh??? AT THE BOTTOM OF THE PAGE YOU WILL FIND “ABOUT THE AUTHOR” AND CONTACT METHOD. If you are enjoying the cycle, like our facebook page and share HELP e LOVE.

#PorUmMundoBest with #MaisAmorPorFavor and for the sake of #Quantum Activism, which we will talk about soon.

Kisses in the Soul and CDS! – Raquel Koury“Have you read this text and felt a little lost? It is part of a 21 day Healing process. If you are not following, or if you still want to refer someone, start with day “zero” by clicking on the images below!”

“Have you read this text and felt a little lost? It is part of a 21 day Healing process. If you are not following, or if you still want to refer someone, start with day “zero” by clicking on the images below!”

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