What you need to know about therapy

    For me, therapy is something that everyone should do at least once in their lifetime. It is a process of self-discovery that seems magical. Unfortunately, it is still the target of prejudice and reservation by many people. That's why I've gathered below some topics that can help demystify therapy for you. Check out:

    What you need to know about therapy

    You definitely don't have to be crazy to go to therapy.

    I believe that is still the biggest caveat people have when refusing to go to therapy. I've lost count of how many people said they weren't crazy and that's why they didn't need a psychologist appointment. Well, I must say that therapy is a science that can provide enormous self-knowledge, self-confidence and self-control. It's practically a gift you give yourself. Just as we take care of our body, we need to take care of our mind and therapy is one of the best ways to do that.

    You won't need to take medication and you won't be dependent

    The second big misconception about therapy is that the psychologist will give you drugs that you will become totally dependent on. The psychologist will never prescribe medication, if he thinks that is the case he will refer you to a psychiatrist. The psychologist's work is based on conversations, 90% of the time.

    You interrupt whenever you want

    Some people also have the misconception that once you start therapy it will last for years at a time and you will become a hostage to this weekly commitment. Therapy is your commitment, and you, together with your therapist, will determine the frequency and duration of therapy. However, just like any other medical follow-up, you can stop treatment. The choice will always be yours, although you should listen to the guidance of your therapist.

    Your privacy will be preserved

    The therapist, if he is a serious professional, will never go around telling his innermost secrets and problems to others. You will never be a laughingstock to him. It will also not invade your privacy by searching for your information on Google or social networks. If you happen to meet in a public place, he will certainly expect the greeting from you and will gladly accept it if you prefer to introduce him as a colleague or acquaintance.

    Therapy does not give ready answers.

    Don't go for therapy if what you want are ready answers and instant solutions to your problems. The therapist will never tell you exactly what to do. He will work with you so that you yourself can see the best way to deal with the situations you are trying to solve. It is a work of self-control and confidence boosting to act in the right way.

    You need to do your part and be collaborative

    The office environment and the presence of the psychologist will not do anything by themselves. You need to do your part and help with the work. Give information, say everything that comes to mind and consider what is suggested. Nothing will miraculously happen if you walk in silently and leave the office silently. The therapist needs to know you to be able to direct the therapy.

    You need to like your therapist

    I'm not talking about platonic crushes or friendships outside the office. I just want to show you that it is necessary for you to feel empathy for your psychologist and especially to like the way he directs consultations. It's no use having the best professional in the area if you don't accept or believe in the effectiveness of their methods.

    Text written by Roberta Lopes from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team

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