Spiritual lightness promotes life in others

    When we read about the literature of the philosophy of stoicism or even the literature on SatSang, we find many tools that help us to build a strong and constantly growing emotional and spiritual structure. When I talk about philosophy, I could mention several philosophers throughout history who discussed the topic of spirituality and peace, we can research on Seneca, Marcus Aurelius, Epicurus, Saint Augustine, among others. People need to use literature to achieve full knowledge of who they are and how to overcome themselves, since the boogeyman is only real in our illusion, in our creations and the formation of imaginative content coming from a conditioning tied to the chaos of the mind without spiritual and intellectual structure.

    When I talk about SatSang, we can read about the thoughts of, for example, Osho or Sartiaprem, for example, as they are my basis for training literature on SatSang, however there are dozens of other good authors. SatSang must be practiced and, without a doubt, it can change your life, just pay attention to what you are reading in SatSang, little by little you will realize that your ego will disappear and little by little the master will appear for you, yes, he enables you to place where in SatSang you will discover never to forget that moment.

    However, returning to the condition of spirituality, it is much better to have someone balanced by our side than a person disturbed by his own mind.

    This spiritual lightness is a reflection of a set of things that have developed over time. Among them are intellectual preparation through literature, meditation, regular physical exercise, spiritual contact with God and, finally, total detachment from the material world and passions.

    Spiritual lightness promotes life in others
    ipopba / Getty Images Pro / Canva

    As a philosopher I guarantee that it is impossible for you to become a balanced human being, with a breadth of spirituality and knowledge without having these skills that I mentioned. So, if you are an anxious, nervous, traumatized person, or who has difficulties in freeing yourself from the material world and its vicious and ideological passions, I offer you a definitive solution: “Read the previous paragraph above and do this.”

    Spiritual lightness promotes life in other people for one simple reason: “Light illuminates darkness.”

    Darkness is an idea of ​​darkness, however, even in the dark, whoever has this breadth of spirituality transmits light and peace wherever he goes.

    Wherever you go, you'll have to carry yourself, so the question is, "Would you like to walk with you if you were someone else?"

    We need to reflect, think about our behavior in society, watch what we say, work on silence. Know how to control your impulses and have emotional balance.

    Spiritual lightness promotes life in others
    RomoloTavani / Getty Images Pro / Canva

    Look, when there is a person full of knowledge and a differentiated spirituality, you perceive a light in the person's presence, so that when he arrives, the atmosphere is light. Sometimes, many consult this person to ask for advice on the different aspects of daily life and its misfortunes, and this is priceless, that is, being able to help others through our knowledge.

    Finally, you cannot die in mediocrity, you need to have your own pride and want to change your life, become your best version. Remember, many today can't get out of depression, anguish, for the simple fact that they never bothered to structure their minds, the brain itself, to face the deserts of life. Unfortunately, we are in a society where everyone learns only about achievements, achievements and plans for the future, however they do not take care of spirituality, intellect and detachment from emotions.

    I'll leave a reflection for you to work on this:

    “No matter what time of life, what time in history you are reading Nilo Deyson Monteiro's Google articles, you are interested in putting an end to your old little world and ascending to the lightness of spirituality through meditation, literature and of training your psychological and intellectual structure, so, over time, you will make your life a real spectacle in your eyes and later you will improve people's lives from you!!!”

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    “In life everything passes, what I take from life is the life I take with me. In life I leave everything, I will always be alive in my works, in what I write, and while I live, wherever I go, I carry myself with pleasure.”

    Don't be afraid to let go of things, let them pass, everything is a cycle, everything passes, even the desire touched.

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