What will my level of consciousness be?

One of the things we ask ourselves the most, especially when we start to walk the path of self-knowledge, is: am I a conscious person? Am I developing on the way to being a fully aware person about myself, about others, about the world? What will my level of consciousness be?

Well, I believe that we would all like to have a manual that would guide us through the steps to achieve evolution.

We know that this is impossible because information comes from all sides and it is up to us to organize it in a way that helps us to understand each other.

Manual does not exist, but there is a map that can help us to locate ourselves

The desire to understand and organize human emotions and how they impact our lives was what moved Dr. David Hawkins. He mapped human consciousness by a scale known as the Levels of Consciousness Scale.

This scale is a true “playbook” on how our states of consciousness and the emotions that surround them define our behaviors and our lives.

Dr. David Hawkins was a doctor, psychiatrist, writer, counselor in Catholic monasteries, government advisor and a multitude of other activities that we can list.

everything emits energy

We are attracting fields and energy emitters. In an intuitive way, we perceive people who live in a negative energy and those who are in the other polarity, leading their lives according to a more positive view of life's events. Through Kinesiology, Dr. Hawkins looked for a way to calibrate these emitted energies.

What will my level of consciousness be?

We often hear that like attracts like, and that's true. We tune and orbit with patterns that align with the energy we emit.

Dr. Hawkins has organized emotions into a map that can give us a very comprehensive view of the characteristics of each of the states of consciousness.

The scale is not static, it is dynamic. This means that we can move from one level to another according to the degree of awareness we acquire.

The calibrations range from 1 to 1000 and the progression with which they are quoted is not related to an arithmetic scale, but logarithmic. Which means that a small difference of 10, 15 or 20 points represents a significant leap in consciousness.

When we begin to study this scale, we begin to reflect on our living and our emotions, then a desire to improve and to go deeper is born to understand ourselves, how we function.

The levels of consciousness

The states of consciousness were calibrated from the Kinesiology test, in which one person extends their arm and another person imparts a force when making a statement.

The body and musculature will answer “yes” or “no”, “truth” or “lie” to a given statement. It's a relatively simple but well-studied test — and it was from there that Dr. Hawkins calibrated every emotion.

The map organizes emotions into negative, positive and neutral.

Negative states start calibrating at 20 and go up to 175. Courage (acting from the heart) is the turning point for positive states and is at 200 — and states above this value are already positive states of consciousness.

In the negatives, people complain, blame everything or blame themselves, thinking that everything that happens to them is a misfortune, something that shouldn't have happened.

Defeatism, complaining, fear and guilt about everything are common emotions. Self-responsibility is not characteristic of these states.

Physical health is always delicate and chakra imbalance is very common, harming the physical and etheric body, the spiritual and emotional spectrum. The energy level is low and brings damage in all areas of life.

This sequence of negative emotions studied by Dr. Hawkins covers:

  • Shame;
  • Fault;
  • Apathy;
  • Sadness;
  • Fear;
  • Desire;
  • Rage;
  • Pride.

Courage is the turning point and opens the scale to positive levels of consciousness, which are:

  • Neutrality;
  • Disposition;
  • Acceptance;
  • Reason;
  • Love;
  • Unconditional love;
  • Peace

Already in these higher states, the positive ones, there is greater awareness of oneself and the world around it.

What will my level of consciousness be?
mohamed_hassan / Pixabay / Canva

Enthusiasm is characteristic at these levels and they are people who produce, perform, but as a natural state of the human being, something that is our essence.

They are people who face the difficulties of life in a lighter and more natural way. Problems exist, but the focus is much more on the solution than the problem. The genuine interest in knowing and evolving is present.

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Identifying your state of consciousness

Were you able to identify your most frequent level of consciousness? No? All good! It's all part of a process — and that's how it is.

Identified a negative state? That's okay too, because it's always time to see our shadows and face change. Seek help if this is too confusing for you. The world is full of opportunities for us to evolve.

Follow our video series on the David Hawkins Scale of Emotions

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