Consistency is about you learning to have discipline “in spite of”

    It's ten-thirty on a Tuesday morning, and my seasonal sinusitis is booming. My nose hurts, a horrible runny nose and a huge desire to finish marathon “The Big Bang Theory” while eating a cheese bread and coffee with milk. in pajamas. Two days ago, it was the funeral of a dear uncle. I'm going through a lot of changes at work, and my financial life needs an overhaul.

    But I woke up late – late an hour from my normal schedule. I sat down with a cup of coffee and just finished watching yesterday's episode. No training. I have sinusitis, don't I? No eating papaya that is having a birthday in the fridge. No taking advantage of the detailed routine I've written in the past.

    And I follow the routine. Every day. I wake up, have a glass of water and my medicine on an empty stomach. Then I apply sunscreen and put on my gym clothes. I eat a healthy breakfast and look at the day's schedule on the computer or respond to an email. Then I take care of the house, make the bed and take care of the dog's bathroom. When I have it, I put the clothes in the machine and wash the dishes from the day before. Then I train, shower, take care of the skin and look beautiful for the afternoon and night of work.

    I do this. But I don't always. What I've noticed in myself is that external circumstances have been messing with this routine for years. Sadness, a fight with her boyfriend, a sore tooth. Again. Sinusitis, the emergency to resolve a work issue, the tiredness of a previous day. And yes, I feel like I could be way ahead if I wasn't allowing the outside to destroy my constancy.

    Consistency is about you learning to have discipline “in spite of”
    Radu Florin / Unsplash

    Consistency has to do with you learning to have discipline “in spite of”. Despite all the problems that, you can be sure, will appear in your daily life. Life is a roller coaster and you will never ride a straight line for long. We don't even want that, it's very boring, we want the movement, because it's the movement that will take us forward.

    We like it, but if we're not careful, it can paralyze us. I read the story of an 89-year-old woman who follows the same routine every day. Years ago. Every day, I see her tidy, hair combed, good health and lucidity. She loves to read and always has a book under her arm. Happy, beautiful and healthy in her old age. I like to call her Dona Constância.

    And it is this Dona Constância that I need to introject, to model. Bring her inside of me. Getting her to wake me up in the morning and get me up at the “in spite of” time. Make her make me eat papaya “in spite of”. Having her make me get dressed and go to my “despite of” workout. The secret is knowing that, yes, it is possible, when we prioritize ourselves. We can't help anyone or get very far without it. We will always have the feeling of chasing the tail.

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    Remind yourself of the things you force yourself – or even are forced to – to do, and how it pays off in the long run. And then move on – first write your routine, and then follow – your Dona Constância. This is what will bring peace, success and happiness at the time, but also in the medium and long term. And the marathon that awaits my – then yes – well-deserved moments of leisure.

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