What to do when you're sad?

There are days that no matter how much we try to avoid it, sadness decides to visit us. And first of all, I want to tell you that this is completely natural and it's okay to be sad once in a while. I believe it is even healthy. When we are sad, we tend to isolate ourselves a little and this can guarantee important reflections about the world around us and, especially, about ourselves. Self-knowledge thanks you!

However, if you get sad often or just don't want to let that feeling take over you, we've put together some tips that can help you get out of it. We will try?

Recognize the reasons

Understanding why you are sad is the first step in preventing this feeling from recurring in your life. Do everything in your power to change the situation that causes you sadness as soon as possible. Keep in mind that complaining and whining without action won't change anything.

tidy up your space

Organizing the physical world around you can help you organize your thoughts and feelings as well. If during the reflection above you came to the conclusion that you feel sad for no apparent reason, this action is even more important. Sadness can come to you through channeled negative energies.

Take a shower and take care of yourself

Gather the necessary forces, get out of that bed and go to the bath. Take a longer shower with a pleasant temperature. Wash your hair and massage your scalp slowly. Perfume yourself, comb your hair and do the beauty ritual that suits you best. Make time for yourself and allow yourself to relax.

change clothes

If you stayed home today, force yourself to put on some neater clothes. Suddenly, seeing yourself in the mirror looking better already lifts your spirits. Now, if you are wearing uncomfortable clothes that are contributing to your sadness and making you in a bad mood, change as soon as possible for soft and warm pajamas.

Eat something tasty, but preferably healthy

It's a fact that so-called comfort food can give you an instant feeling of pleasure and well-being, but very soon, once the energy spike it gives you passes, you'll feel even more down. Make an effort and eat a fruit, it may not seem like it, but it's the best choice at these times.


Get out of the house, go for a walk around the block, or visit somewhere you like. The change of air is beneficial in itself, but you can get distracted and even forget that something was bothering you.

What to do when you're sad?

Look for friends, but only high spirits

Talking to people always helps, bet that positive individuals can infect you with their good mood. If you don't want to keep talking about your problems, it's even better, talk about lively topics and, little by little, sadness will feel so far away that it will slip away, to the point that you won't even notice.

Dance, sing, “despiroque”

Music has incredible and totally accessible powers. Put to play the happiest and liveliest song you know and surrender. Sing at the top of your lungs and dance like there's no tomorrow. It may seem difficult at first, but after a few chords the adrenaline starts to work in your favor.

Work out

In the same situation as music, putting the body in motion generates the production of hormones that cause well-being. It may be an arduous task at first, but it will soon prove to be a great choice.

Highlight your qualities and your completed actions

Stop looking at the negative side of situations. Focus on the good things you have, did or have as part of your temperament. Keep in mind what an amazing person you are and accept your flaws. Instead of having a to-do list, have a successfully completed to-do list. Look whenever you need to feel useful and productive.

Laugh, smile, laugh!

Look for reasons, the internet has several of them. A video, a gif, a post on the social network. Or, search your memory. Remember that situation that made you laugh, sure that in minutes you will be laughing!

  • Text written by Roberta Lopes from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.
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