Be happy or have reason? That is the question!

    The question is certainly directly linked to the way we intend, desire and want to live our lives.

    You prefer “to be happy” or “to be right” always in things, opinions and experiences. I want to share with you some questions about the two nuances and how they are decisive in relation to our postures and positions.

    I believe you know people who always want to be right in their statements., leaving no room for any new thoughts or ideas that might change your way of thinking. This behavior denotes fear, as changes generate fear and insecurity and, of course, doubts about how to make such changes in the way of thinking and being.

    Many cannot see that every change is positive, as it generates new learning, and we grow through exchanges. Our mind adds new values ​​that, in the future, will be able to collaborate in a decisive way for the aggrandizement of the being.

    Unfortunately, many do not intend or want to change, because they will interfere with the status quo. These people want to remain as they were before, they don't feel comfortable carrying out such an attempt, this stems more from stubbornness than from fear itself.

    Be happy or have reason? That is the question!

    They don't realize that they always behave as if your opinion was just right and that little by little they are pushing people away, precisely because they are not flexible with the ideas and concepts of their peers, becoming unreliable people and open to dialogue.

    Thus, we see how “being right” always causes much more harm than joy in life, bringing more boredom and difficulties to live with people of this nature. In addition, just wanting to be right makes us individuals who are truthful and perfectionists, an attitude that is not very healthy in a society.

    Now, when we try to take life more lightly, learning that we have no control over almost anything, that for everything there is a reason for being, that our worries add nothing to us, on the contrary, end up creating more difficulties with our alienated and irritating behavior, that we are spoiling the possibility of creating new realities around us, of growing, despite our bad weather and having our personal development as a horizon, then, I believe we are in the right direction.

    Surely, life will guide us to whatever is most important and necessary for each of us, we will be meeting, as I mentioned in a previous text, the accomplishment of everything with “PLEASURE” and, thus, without a doubt, we will be happy.

    Many will say that happiness is a utopia, but if we don't have dreams, if we don't seek to improve our condition as a human being, what am I doing here in this “Little Blue Planet?”. I came here only to work, get married, have a partner, children, family… and what have I accomplished for my own growth, what have I done for myself?

    I believe that "BEING HAPPY" is the meeting of your soul with your conscious being, understanding why you are alive and what your mission or missions are. Yes, many have more than one, and when it comes to happiness, I never believed it to be utopian, but a viable possibility, as long as we understand the real reason for our living.

    Paraphrasing William Shakespeare in Hamlet, in his exceptional observation of life in which he puts “to be or not to be, that is the question”, I want to use an expression very similar to this: “To be happy or to be right, that is the question”.

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