What to do when we are consumed by wear and tear and emotional stress?

The World Health Organization (WHO) defines health as “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”. Therefore, this concept is not in line with reality, as we find that in today's world, with so many demands and stimuli, it is impossible to envision this perfect well-being in practice. This is because we live in the century of stress, which, according to the WHO itself, is characterized as a worldwide epidemic.

But, what is stress?

Stress has always accompanied us over time, being an important factor for the psychoadaptation and survival of our species. In other words, the physiological activation of the sympathetic system to fight and/or flee in the face of danger was a primordial selective factor for us to be here today.

In this way, we can conceptualize stress as a biochemical and behavioral response, being the psycho-adaptive capacity in the face of real or imaginary danger situations and which aims to protect physical and emotional integrity. The problem lies when it becomes dysfunctional, being, therefore, conducive to the development of diseases.

What diseases are caused by stress?

Faced with the biochemical imbalance caused by the alteration of the noradrenergic, GABA and serotonergic systems, due to continuous situations of poorly designed stress, the organism manifests its "alert state" through somatization. Many diseases can manifest during the period of chronic stress, these being, mainly, those of a psychosomatic nature, such as: allergies, sleep disorders, depression, anxiety disorders, cardiovascular, neurological, dermatological problems and even cancer.

Is stress a condition or pathology?

As previously reported, we need positive stress to deal with everyday life situations. But, as everything has two sides of the coin, this same energy-providing stress, when poorly managed, can turn into pathology, in the so-called psychosomatic diseases. The line between positive and negative stress is not thin, being procedural and offering many signals through the body, such as: permanent tiredness, indisposition, anxiety, “chest tightness”, tachycardia, tremors, tingling in the hands and feet, tension migraines. , shortness of breath, insomnia and irritability, for example. In order for stress to not become chronic, it is necessary that we pay attention to the above signs and, if there is identification, make changes in habits and behaviors that, perhaps, may be contributing to the development of this characteristic symptomatology of stress.

In the same way, we must review the quality of our interpersonal relationships and our relationship with ourselves. It is worth noting that pathological stress is often confused with GAD (Generalized Anxiety Disorder). For this reason, professional evaluation is necessary for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Managing daily stress

What to do when we are consumed by wear and tear and emotional stress?The various stimulations caused by so many factors such as noise pollution, traffic stress, associated with the appeals of modernity and our connivance with this lifestyle – which does not put our emotional health in the foreground – are triggers that favor the development of pathological stress. . Based on this assumption, it is worth emphasizing the importance of taking a break in the midst of daily stimuli, as a way of maintaining our emotional health.

Therefore, it is necessary to “unload” the stress of everyday life, through pleasurable activities that release endorphins, such as: walking outdoors, light physical exercises, listening to classical music, relaxing massages, gardening, yoga, acupuncture and meditation. Other coping mechanisms that are very efficient in managing stress are also abdominal breathing, contact with nature, relaxation exercises and any and all healing activities that promote well-being.

Identifying the causes of stress

Often, we cannot modify or even suppress certain activities at a specific time in life, such as work and study. In this way, what remains is for us to learn to identify what causes you stress, so that you can manage it. A few changes throughout the day can make all the difference in maintaining our health.

Despite the “run-run”, you can reserve 5 minutes for a deep and relaxing breath, as well as make some changes in eating habits and even reduce the amount of alcohol, as the latter increases the levels of cortisol in the blood, generating stress. . Identifying the causes of the problem is the starting point to start a process of emotional education, aiming to make the necessary changes to eliminate habits and/or circumstances in favor of our quality of life. In this case, psychological support is essential during and after a period of extreme emotional load, as well as a preventive means, before a crisis starts.

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