What to do and what not to do when bathing your baby

It's no use practicing with dolls, because learning to bathe your baby requires real practice.

Taking care of a newborn requires extra attention, any slip and you can cause a problem for the baby's health.

How about dodging insecurity to successfully complete this task? To avoid common mistakes, we've separated some tips on what to do or not do at this special moment.

  1. Leave him alone in the bathtub

This is a mistake that can lead the child to death, newborns move around a lot and can drown in even a small amount of water.

When bathing the child, leave everything ready so you don't have to be away for even a second. Don't do two things at the same time, all attention is little to keep the baby's health.

  1. watch the temperature

What to do and what not to do when bathing your babyNo parent wants their child to be cold in the bath, but overheating the water is dangerous. Newborns tend to have much more sensitive skin than normal and can burn easily. Always test the temperature before putting it in the water!

  1. no exaggeration

Clean, fragrant babies are the cutest thing in the world, but don't go overboard! Some people tend to use too many soaps and shampoos at once, this besides being wrong can cause allergy.

  1. heat the bathroom

Before undressing the baby, prepare the environment so that he does not feel cold. One of the most common mistakes parents make is not adapting the child to the temperature.

  1. Dry the baby completely

What to do and what not to do when bathing your babyOne of the fundamental post-bath tips is not to get the child wet, even less their hair and ears. Any carelessness and she can get sick, use the hair dryer, a cloth to dry all her folds and never rub the towel on the skin so it doesn't hurt.

  1. Alternative: bath in the hot tub

Many mothers and health professionals recommend bathing in the hot tub as the best option. Babies up to 6 months of age like the sensation of the hot tub because it reminds them of the mother's womb, doctors recommend it because it relaxes, improves crying, insomnia and colic.

Text written by Juliane Rodrigues from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.

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