What to do after a family constellation

    Hail, my friends!
    Today I want to talk to you about a big question that many have after doing a constellation, which is: β€œWhat to do after a family constellation?”

    I sincerely hope to clarify this doubt that many go through and end up not having the answer clearly.

     Hold this within yourself so that it can create a resonance, that it can create an inner movement, allowing the effects of the constellation to manifest. It's like when we're going to make tea: We take a sachet, put it in the kettle and, little by little, that water penetrates the herb, gradually releasing all its essence.

    Once you allow this movement to flow within you, it will be necessary to release it, toss it to the wind, just let go and let the flow of the Constellation's own movement flow through you.

    When we pass through a family constellation, a movement is generated and created not only in our field, but also in that of all those around us. It is necessary to trust this movement that happens after we make a constellation. We need to trust that energy, that resonance, and all that we've seen and felt.

    Agora if we want the result of this constellation that we are going through to have a greater result, then we have to allow the forces of love to work in you, among them, the force of Give and Receive. Just to clarify, this force or Law says that it is necessary to have a balance in what we give and receive. In this way, if the family constellation has given us something, we then have to allow and reciprocate what it has given us, and we do this, letting it flow through us and accepting everything that we witness during the systemic work.

    What to do after a family constellation

    We have to understand that family constellation is not just a therapy or a psychotherapeutic technique. She is much more than that, she is a philosophy of life!

    Right after a constellation, we have to start putting what we saw into action. Often the family constellation will show us how we are in relation to life or in relation to a certain issue. From this moment on, we have a new opportunity to change and do things differently.

    Another very important point is that we have to be attentive to be in the present. We need to live in the here and now, even though the constellation has shown us a movement related to our future or even our past. We have to allow ourselves to live more in the now and let go of living in the past and staying only in the future.

    When we allow ourselves to be in the present, then we are adults. Many times people, even after adulthood (18 years), still remain in a state of inner childhood, unconsciously dependent on their parents. To be an adult is to renounce the past, our dependencies, it is to be alone, for ourselves, present there, assuming the strength that our father and mother gave us, regardless of whether we know them or not. It doesn't matter who they were or what they did, and even if you know them, just recognizing that they exist and that you are here thanks to them will give you the strength you need to live.

    We also need to understand that each person has their process and time, based on their reality, which has been shaped by their experiences and beliefs.

    What to do after a family constellation

    We have to accept and respect the ups and downs of life and understand that this is part of a larger learning process that we must go through, however difficult it may be at times. When we understand this, especially after going through a family constellation, our vision of life becomes lighter and clearer.

    Next, what we have to learn is to say yes to everything and accept the facts. For example: Today, you discover that you have cancer, not believing in this will not cure you, but looking at your destiny with respect will give you more strength to fight for your health. Not accepting a situation with her is, it will only give her more strength, as nothing can be excluded.

    For this reason, I always say that family constellations come to bring us the truth no matter how hard it is, and this makes us great, gives us strength and the opportunity to look at our destiny and work on it.

    When we make this movement of saying yes and accepting this reality, then we can be sure that we are in the adult, we know that we are there as responsible for ourselves, independent and present in this man and woman that we are and still connected with something greater.

    If we really carry out this movement of accepting, even if we don't understand well what we are actually accepting, we immediately start to obtain concrete results in our life.

    What to do after a family constellation

    We also have to respect the strength of the natural hierarchy, and this tells us to take and respect our current place, being who we are in our roles. It is also necessary to respect those who came before us, because understanding this will give us the strength for life to flow abundantly. It is important to honor those who have gone before with respect and love.

    We also have to be aware of the strength of belonging, which tells us that everything and everyone is part and nothing can be excluded, be it a person, pain or even a situation, because when we make this exclusion, what we exclude takes strength and at some point in time, our life will repeat itself so that it can be seen and included again.

    Understand that everything and everyone is at the service of something greater, generating a great movement in our entire system and life, and this is part of our evolution, it is part of our growth as a human being.

    Finally, after going through a constellation and understanding all that I mentioned above, let the constellation reverberate within you. Many chips will fall, many reflections you will have, and little by little within your process, in your moment, day after day, you will have the necessary understandings for your questions.

    I hope from the bottom of my heart that you liked it and until the next meeting.

    A big hug in your heart!

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