Emotional triggers, the end of the year and the instabilities of the last few months. What to do?

    Beware of triggers that generate panic disorder, anxiety crisis and blockages… Everything was planned for the New Year. Here comes the omicron.

    For everything, everyone panics again, everyone has to review their life.

    How to prepare each day so that this turmoil does not affect us so much?

    We have no control over what is happening, so how can we live better?

    We live in constant economic, health, security, social, political, etc.

    One crisis ends and another arises. This is the reality, because we live in a time of uncertainty and insecurities. That ends up generating a lot of suffering, so we cannot deny that suffering is part of life. But there are ways out to help us.

    Because when we can't change a situation, we can change ourselves.

    The important thing is to identify what is triggering the trigger, what is triggering the crisis that makes us panic.


    Seeking help through self-knowledge.

    Emotional triggers, the end of the year and the instabilities of the last few months. What to do?
    Joice Kelly / Unsplash

    Through the most varied therapies that help us understand that we should not suffer in advance.

    Control anxiety so that it doesn't lead to a panic disorder, because usually it all starts with negative emotions that keep tormenting and making thinking accelerate.

    So it's time to stop and change thinking through positive emotions, awakening peace and balance in us.

    Changing habits, paying more attention to breathing, looking for a calmer life without so many demands, because everything passes and we need to take better care of ourselves in order to enjoy every moment of our lives.

    There is a need to be in the present moment. We have neither the past nor the future, only the present. And we have no control over anything, so live for today!

    Because it is in today that the reality of our lives happens. We know that we are living in a time when everything is very fast-paced and confusing.

    This is typical of these new times in which haste, consumption and disposal are part of a need to hide the existential void.

    If we cling to the past, we become depressed. If we cling to the future, we will be anxious.

    Emotional triggers, the end of the year and the instabilities of the last few months. What to do?
    engin akyurt / Unsplash

    The importance of living in the present is essential, and it seems so obvious, but unfortunately it is not. Because it takes emotional maturity to understand what happens to us, our emotions and feelings.

    We need to understand that everything will come to us if we have serenity and balance.

    If we are aware of who we are.

    Rest, think and meditate… because today is when we are alive and full of energy.

    Tips to maintain your mental health in times of so many financial, economic and health instabilities.

    Today I want to talk to you about some practical tips that you can apply in your daily life, to maintain your mental health in times of so many financial, economic and health instabilities.

    1. Learn to keep your attention in the present moment;
    2. Learn to breathe properly. Take a deep breath and feel the air going in and out of your nostrils, repeat this cycle;
    3. Turn off the TV and do something therapeutic for yourself: paint, sing, dance, read a nice book, practice creative writing;
    4. Write down all your expenses and, whenever you can, set aside a minimum amount to save and make an emergency reserve.
    5. When the money comes in, don't think that it will leave your account due to expenses; think that you will be using your money to make your capital spin.
    6. Strengthen your self-knowledge, do therapies, if necessary, but take care of yourself. Do not neglect this side;
    7. Start to see challenges as learning, in which it will be possible to learn a lesson and benefit from each situation.

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    Seeing things from a new point of view helps us to live better, as well as bringing new insights to creatively get out of a given situation.

    Feeling that you need professional assistance, please contact me.

    Schedule a chat with me. In our first meeting, we will talk and evaluate the best way to conduct your process. Don't worry, I don't charge for this conversation.

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