What is your life path?

    If there's one thing that can scare or dazzle anyone, it's to think that we own our own lives. Can you imagine how crazy it would be if someone told you that life, the one you've had for a while, can be completely guided by you from now on? What if they also told you that everything that has happened is the result of what you wanted for these days? It would be magical, no doubt. Being solely responsible and having a huge range of choices at our leisureโ€ฆ It seems like a dream! But what if I told you that this is exactly how it already happens?

    Yes that's right. Our life is the result of the choices we make daily. We are the only ones responsible for everything that happens in our life and especially for what doesn't happen. Of course, destiny exists, but it is traced by your actions throughout the days. From the ones that seem the most banal to those decisions that we spend days mulling over to reach a conclusion. Whenever you ask yourself the reason for the problems, achievements, questions, trials and achievements in your life, keep in mind that the only answer is yourself.

    What is your life path?

    That said, Have you ever wondered what the path of your life is? Think of the literal sense of path that understanding becomes easier. Imagine what tiles, stones or gravel you use to build it and which way you will slope the curves. Think about whether you are going to decorate it with some paint, with fruit trees or if you prefer to leave this classic road just with the gray of the asphalt and the yellow of the signs. All these choices that you made imagining a royal road reflect the decisions you make throughout your life and that consequently build your achievements, results and invariably some problems.

    When we have a defined goal and are focused on achieving it, we can create shortcuts that get us there quickly. Now, if we don't know where we're going, it's natural that we go through bumpy terrain, without many signs and major obstacles.

    Now that I've told you this secret, think about it. Think about whether you are taking your life as far as you want. If not, evaluate the changes needed to get there. Now you know, it's up to you!

    Text written by Roberta Lopes from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team

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