What is trypophobia?

If you have a really bad feeling in front of a sequence of holes, like the one we see in a honeycomb, in some plants, in a strawberry or in bubble wrap, you need to know what trypophobia is.

That's because understanding this concept can help you better deal with this discomfort, which may even require medical help to be treated correctly. With the article we have prepared, learn everything about the topic.

What is trypophobia?

Trypophobia is an excessive and irrational fear of images or objects that have a sequence of holes or irregular patterns. That is, if a person suffers from trypophobia, he is very afraid when he sees anything that is full of holes.

Although the cause of this condition is undefined, this version is believed to be like a protective instinct. In nature, some venomous animals have a pattern of holes in their skin. Therefore, there are individuals who unconsciously make this association.

People who don't understand trypophobia tend to belittle this condition, believing it to be pretense or frivolity. However, it is essential to point out that this phobia requires attention, not least because its symptoms are not pleasant at all.

Symptoms of Trypophobia

Trypophobia symptoms manifest when a person who has this condition visualizes the holes or irregular patterns that terrify them. In this context, she may present: nausea, tremor, sweating, chills, increased heartbeat, itching and tingling throughout the body, discomfort, disgust and uncontrollable crying.

What is trypophobia?
Tunatura / Shutterstock

In more severe cases of trypophobia, viewing the images or objects that are a trigger can also trigger an anxiety attack, which results in disabling sensations. Therefore, it is essential to carry out a quick diagnosis of the phobia, to treat it properly.

How to diagnose?

The diagnosis of any health condition can only be performed by health professionals. In the case of trypophobia, it is no different. After experiencing any of the symptoms of the condition, the person who has experienced the discomfort should seek psychological help.

Through sessions with a psychologist, it will be possible to identify whether the individual in question really suffers from trypophobia and what are the best ways to deal with this problem.

Is there treatment for trypophobia?

Once the diagnosis of trypophobia has been carried out by a health professional, it is enough to start treatment. With medical help, the most effective treatment is exposure therapy.

To perform it, the patient is gradually exposed, in a controlled environment, to what causes fear. Gradually, this person will be able to control the fear he feels, to remain calm in other situations in which he visualizes a trigger.

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It is also common to adopt complementary treatments for trypophobia in addition to exposure therapy. The practice of meditation and Yoga, for example, allows the individual to have more control over their own feelings and regulate anxiety, if it arises.

Based on the information presented, we understand that trypophobia is a condition that needs treatment, so that the person who suffers from it has a good quality of life. So if you identified with the symptoms presented, seek medical help. Take care of yourself!

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