What is True Healing?

    Healing is a new state of vibration, where something that caused problems is changed and the result is the manifestation of health.

    “Naturally, when we are sick, the mind seeks the quickest solution, it is necessary to get rid of the problem”.

    This way of functioning of the mind, seeking the quickest solutions, is useful in many moments of everyday life, as it facilitates decisions in everyday situations.

    When we conceive the idea that the disease is an imbalance originated from inharmonious emotions and thoughts, it becomes clearer to understand that the quickest solution is no longer a good option, it can be a deep-rooted negative habit. It is a vicious cycle of emotions and thoughts (belief system) that keeps the same problem existing in different ways and opting for quick solutions does not allow you to deepen and solve the hidden causes that generate diseases.

    Healing is something very special, means modifying the way a belief system works to the point that it no longer generates problems. This is not something simple to happen, it demands understanding and attention, since the ego produces several labyrinths to keep the mind imprisoned in the old system.

    Healing depends on an awakening of consciousness so that energy is modified at its source, producing new balanced thoughts and emotions.

    What is True Healing?

    There are many “healing techniques” that can assist in gaining awareness and driving a change in belief system. This is still not a cure but a way to generate health. Definitive healing is a real and definitive change in interpretation and response to incoming energies.

    Throughout our evolution, we go through countless moments of health and illness, to build at each step the definitive state of health, where there is no setback and the individual is fully realized. Realize that this depends on several emotional factors and self-knowledge is the only way to carry out this study about yourself, your relationships and your beliefs.

    Healing will always be individual and intimate, Heart Healing® is an energy filled with wisdom and balance, capable of supporting major changes in your life.

    Only you can heal yourself. You can, you deserve it!

    Cure-se, Heart Healing®.

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