Discover homeopathy for animals and its benefits

For a long time, man has domesticated and taken care of animals for various purposes, such as transport, slaughter, inputs, coexistence, etc. Always thinking about optimizing management, treatments and facilitating the maintenance of the health of animals, man has been applying surprising methods, such as homeopathy. Even the issues involving the slaughter have been improved so that it is fast and with less suffering as possible.

The legislation contributes so that animals, in general, are respected in their condition as living beings. Learn now about how homeopathy can be used for animals and its benefits.

What is homeopathy for animals

Long known for the treatment of people, homeopathy is a medical and pharmaceutical specialty to restore the balance of health, focusing on the human individual or the animal individual.

The treatment consists of administering minimal doses of homeopathic medicines, in order to avoid intoxication and to stimulate the organic reaction of the animal itself.

Homeopathic products are produced with natural substances, with a lower incidence of side effects.

Like any medication, it is prescribed based on an assessment made by the veterinarian, who also monitors the results of the dosages for the animal's health.

Homeopathy benefits for animals

Homeopathy can be applied to both chronic and acute diseases, without leaving residue in the animal, without contaminating meat and milk intended for consumption.

Homeopathic medicines are formulated not to produce side effects and result in greater animal welfare during the medication process.

Lower expenditure on poisons and simpler control of parasites are benefits for livestock producers to consider to reduce cost and time.

Discover homeopathy for animals and its benefits
Kai Reschke/Pixabay

Homeopathy is easy to administer, as it is included in the animal's diet and, contrary to what is thought about a prolonged treatment, it shows results in the short term, especially when the information on the animal's behavior is accurate and complete. owner or under the veterinarian's eye. It applies to any non-surgical disease.

The cost-benefit ratio is positive, in addition to medicines (the pellets) being more affordable than allopathic medicines. When homeopathy is employed without previous use of allopathic medicines, the homeopathic effects are more potent.

Homeopathy for animals can be very beneficial when the allopathic treatment is very aggressive, causing discomfort or discomfort to the animal, for example with vomiting and diarrhea.

Situations or illnesses that can be resolved with homeopathy

If the animal has an acute disease, for example, otitis, rhinitis, diarrhea and vomiting, it can be quickly cured with homeopathy, especially in pets such as dogs and cats.

In the case of chronic diseases, such as allergies, back and joint problems, recurrent otitis and epilepsy, treatment with homeopathy can be slower, as the body must respond with the return of balance, acting for its own strengthening and not for extinction. of symptoms.

Discover homeopathy for animals and its benefits
Fathima Shanas / Pixabay

Homeopathy can be applied to animal behavior problems, especially dogs that suffer from the absence of the owner and due to anxiety, lick their paw compulsively or are aggressive. For these cases, if it were allopathic medicine, sedatives and tranquilizers would be administered, very different from the homeopathic approach. Some behaviors are observed in order to identify a possible pain or other problem, as animals have different forms of communication.

Unfortunately, for cancer cases, homeopathy also does not know a cure, and can act to minimize the undesirable effects of chemotherapy, for example.

Animals that can be treated with homeopathy

Any living being can be treated by homeopathic medicine, including pets that are birds, fish, dogs, cats, as long as the veterinarian is familiar with the species.

Wild animals respond very well to homeopathic treatments, mainly because they do not present side effects and are less aggressive. In the wild, these animals are less familiar with medicinal procedures.

Homeopathic medicines are the same ones used by humans, bought in trusted pharmacies, but in doses that only the homeopath should define, according to the diagnosis he makes about the animal's health.

Discover homeopathy for animals and its benefits
Cenczi / Pixabay

The homeopath to be chosen to treat the animal or pet must first be a veterinarian and also have a specialization in Veterinary Homeopathy.

Increasingly, the relationship between man and animals tends to be more friendly and conscious on the part of human beings.

While research advances in allopathic medicines for various purposes in a profitable market that is veterinary medicine, homeopathy studies for animals, notably observations and practical results, have been gaining strength, with important scientific reports.

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If you love your pet, think about this alternative and let others know who may also want to protect and establish a more loving relationship with animals.

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