What is transsexual? Understand and spread respect

Before we are born, it is common for our family members to want to find out what the sex of the baby is. From this, they define the clothes we will have, the decoration of our rooms, the toys that will entertain us and even the stories we will hear before bed. The roles of girls and boys, women and men, are defined from pregnancy.

As a child grows, however, he may not identify with the universe that was imposed on him when he came into the world. She can see herself as a different person from what they say she is, as someone who has other interests and other wants. It can take years for her to feel this way, going through this process only as an adult.

The fact is that, at some point in the life of this being in formation, he may end up realizing that he belongs to the opposite gender to the one imposed on him when he was born. That person may perceive that he is a woman instead of a man, or that he is a man instead of a woman. And what does that mean? Next, learn more about transsexuality!

Transgender, transsexual or transvestite?

To understand transsexuality, it is necessary, first of all, to understand the difference between terms that are widely used to refer to people who belong to this social group. See what they are!

Transgender: is a person who does not identify with the gender that was imposed on her at birth, as a person who, although read by society as a woman, identifies as a man and vice versa. If a person identifies with the gender that has been imposed on them, they are cisgender.

What is transsexual? Understand and spread respect
Rawpixel / 123RF

Transsexual: A transsexual person is one who undergoes a hormonal and/or surgical transition so that society sees him/her in the same way that he/she sees himself/herself. So if she has a body associated with the male gender, she will make changes to make her own body female and vice versa.

Transvestite: a transvestite person is necessarily a man who wears clothes associated with the female gender and performs behaviors associated with women, even if he does not intend to change his physical characteristics.

From this, it is understood that a trans person (transsexual or transgender) is someone who would like to have a body that corresponds to who they really are. Trans people exist and are who they say they are. They are part of the LGBT+ community and constantly fight against the prejudice of people who want to impose a way of existence on someone.

The importance of fighting transphobia

On June 13, 2019, the Federal Supreme Court ruled that transphobia is a punishable crime. Under the law, it is prohibited to discriminate against a person on the basis of gender or sexual orientation. This discrimination, called transphobia, can manifest itself in numerous ways.

Refusing a job for a trans person, verbally offending them, physically or emotionally assaulting them, asking them to leave a public space or using any type of violence against this person, refusing their existence, are attitudes that fall as transphobia and which can be punished with imprisonment from one to three years and a fine.

If you believe that this type of discrimination has nothing to do with you, pay attention to the following data. According to the NGO Transgender Europe, in a 2016 survey, 868 transvestites and transsexuals died in España from 2008 to the year of the survey, being the country that kills the most trans people in the world. Spanish society is denying the existence of a portion of the population that composes it.

And what is the role of each person in this? You may never have physically assaulted a trans person, but prejudice can manifest itself in other ways. There are a number of phrases you may have already said that contribute to the marginalization and stereotyping of trans people, which culminate in their murder. Check out some of them and get them out of your vocabulary:

What is transsexual? Understand and spread respect
Pablo Hidalgo / 123RF

“It's a travesty”, “It's not a real woman”, “If you didn't talk, I'd still think you're a man”, “You don't even look like a man”, “Too bad you're trans”, “You don't fool me ”, “Are you transsexual or transvestite?” and “For me this is not normal” are some of the phrases you should never say, in any context.

Once we are dedicated to combating the naturalization of prejudice against trans people and taking a stand against this form of oppression, we can build a fairer and more respectful society that recognizes the existence of all people, not just those who follow the standards of behavior and appearance.

You may believe that once a person is an adult it is harder to change their mind, or to learn to behave properly. While this is true, it is not impossible for a person who is past the stage of forming an opinion about the world to catch up. Either way, it's always best to start with childhood.

Teach children you know that they must respect all forms of existence. When referring to a trans person, for example, mention the gender they identify with. You don't even have to say she's a trans person. Address the issue of transsexuality by saying that it is a way of life and that it deserves respect and recognition.

If, on the other hand, you refer to trans people in a derogatory way in the presence of a child, they will learn that they have the right to do so too. She will come to see these people as the butt of jokes and violence and will hardly become an adult who promotes respect for equality. Be an example for those who are still learning and teach those who have not yet learned the correct way to behave!

Delve into the world of transsexuality

1) “The Death and Life of Marsha P. Johnson”, 2017 documentary

Marsha P. Johnson was a trans woman activist who spearheaded the struggle for the rights of the LGBT+ community in the 70s. She was murdered and the case was taken as a suicide, as a way of making everything a trans person can be subjected to invisible. The documentary “The Death and Life of Marsha P. Johnson” is essential to learn more about her.

2) “The Danish Girl”, 2015 movie

One of the films pointed out as a reference when talking about transsexuality is “The Danish Girl”. The feature film portrays how a married man faces the experience of understanding a woman, and everything he faces to change the way society sees him. It is based on a true story!

3) “Laerte-se”, 2017 documentary

Laerte is the name of a cartoonist known around the world, Española, who understood herself as a transgender person already in her adult stage of life. “Laerte-se” is a documentary that presents the cartoonist's reflections on her own life and on how she sees herself in the world.

What is transsexual? Understand and spread respect
Sam Wordley / 123RF

4) “Pose”, 2018 series

“Pose” is a series that addresses the LGBT+ universe in the 80s, showing the prejudice that this social group faces and what it does to have a happy life, despite everything. The cast of the series features the most transgender actors of any production in history!

5) “Growing up like Coy”, 2016 documentary

“Crescendo como Coy” is a documentary that shows the life of a trans girl who is fighting for her rights in the United States of America, more precisely in Colorado. It is a way of understanding the challenges transgender people face under the law.

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Transgender people are people. They must have rights like all of us, they must be who they are and be read by society as such. If you want to build a more harmonious and happier world for everyone who inhabits it, stand in favor of transgender people and show why they should be heard, represented and welcomed by the population.

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