What is ThetaHealing®?

ThetaHealing is a powerful quantum therapy technique, founded by the American Vianna Stibal. The technique combines science and spirituality and allows you to instantly identify and transform negative and limiting beliefs or traumas that may be deeply stored in the unconscious.

It is becoming widely accepted that our thoughts create our reality. Quantum Physics itself explores the theory that what we live is shaped by our internal experiences.  Our beliefs are recorded in our cells, in our DNA, and we cannot make significant changes if we don't reach those records, which are in the memories of our cells.

ThetaHealing works instantly to transform negative thought patterns or beliefs on all levels and in the DNA, making them positive and releasing energy blocks, limitations and barriers that impede our personal and spiritual progress, empowering you to recreate your life exactly. as you choose.

What is ThetaHealing®?
Ann Danilina/Unsplash
In addition, ThetaHealing teaches us how to use our natural intuition by connecting us to the unconditional love of the Creator and doing what is true. "miracle" in our lives.

We believe that by shifting your brainwave cycle to the “Theta State”, the therapist connects to this brain frequency. In this way, it is possible to visualize the energy of harmonization in the energy field of the client. Both are perfectly conscious throughout the treatment.

Therefore, ThetaHealing® is a technique, not a religion, and is not affiliated with any religious doctrine. It is a holistic approach to personal development that uses the Theta Brain Waves to create positive and powerful change.

Considered one of the most powerful energy techniques in the world, ThetaHealing can bring about positive changes in your life. As it releases and unlocks limiting energies, clearing the way to experience: joy, love, abundance, success, self-confidence.

What is ThetaHealing®?
everst / 123rf

Some of the things that people are able to release as a result of ThetaHealing are: anxiety, fear, pain, trauma, phobia, negative beliefs, resentments, rejections and so on.

In 1995, Vianna Stibal, a naturopath, massage therapist, intuitive reader and mother, received news that would change her life. She was diagnosed with cancer in her right femur with no apparent chance of recovery.

Everything she had tried to use, conventional and alternative medicine, had failed. Then she discovered that the simple technique she used in readings could heal.

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His leg was instantly healed. She added this knowledge of ThetaHealing to her sessions with clients and in the classes she was teaching.

Curious to understand why the technique was working, Vianna enlisted the help of a physicist. And so, with an electroencephalogram, she discovered that the technique used Theta brain waves.

Vianna believes the technique uses a Theta wave to achieve instantaneous healing. Through thousands of clients she has discovered a way to connect with creative energy. In addition, this energy can also instantly change beliefs and feelings that are linked to illness.

What is ThetaHealing®?
Church of the King/Unsplash

The most fascinating discovery about ThetaHealing is that this technique can be taught, and anyone with an interest in delving into self-knowledge and expanding consciousness can learn ThetaHealing. In Spain, this wonderful technique is still little known, and you can learn through qualified courses and get certified internationally in ThetaHealing through one of the authorized instructors trained directly by Vianna Stibal herself.

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