What is the meaning of the lotus flower?

The lotus flower, originally titled Nelumbo Nucifera, is an aquatic plant native to Asia, which inhabits freshwater ponds or slow-moving streams. This plant is famous for the long life of its seeds, which can sprout after 13 centuries, and also for its beautiful flowers of large sizes and with several petals.

In addition to being a stunning plant, the lotus flower can also be used in cooking. The seeds, young leaves, flowers and even the roots of some types of this plant are edible. In Asia, its petals are used as various decorations and its larger leaves are used as a food wrapper and are also used as ingredients for teas.

But much more than beauty or flavor, the lotus flower has great meaning and important symbolism within spirituality. Pay attention to the article and marvel at the history of this plant!

What is the meaning of the lotus flower?
Image of Dietmar Dorsch by Pixabay

lotus flower meaning

The lotus flower is sacred and is one of the deepest and most ancient symbols for many peoples on the planet. For Buddhism, the most important symbolism of this flower is the total purity of mind, heart and body. As an aquatic plant, this philosophy associates the muddy water that “embraces” the lotus flower with the desires of human flesh and attachment, while the clear flower that blooms over the waters in search of enlightenment is seen as the promise of the clean soul. and the elevation of the spirit. Hinduism also has this plant as a symbol of divine birth.

Symbolically, the lotus flower is linked to the teachings and figure of Buddha, and for this reason, this plant is sacred to all peoples of the East. Some legends claim that when Buddha was a child, along every path he walked, lotus flowers bloomed amidst the muddy waters.

In Asian beliefs, a large part of all deities appears seated on a large lotus flower during acts of meditation (even in Yoga, the most common posture to meditate is the Lotus position, in which the individual sits with the legs intertwined and rests hands on knees). In the literature of this continent, this flower is a symbol of beauty, perfection, elegance, grace and clarity of soul — it is also associated with female tributes.

In ancient times, the lotus flower was associated with the sun god Ra, as it “hides” at dusk and blooms at dawn with sunrise.

Overall, what makes this flower so special is mainly its ability to face impurities and darkness from its root, and still bloom clean and dazzling.

Note: for science, the lotus flower is a great mystery. To this day, no scientist has been able to explain why this plant is able to expel dust particles and some microorganisms — it is “self-cleaning”.

What is the meaning of the lotus flower?
Image of Rob Slaven by Pixabay

Meanings of lotus flower colors

White Lotus: the white flower is associated with the perfection of the heart, mind and spirit. It symbolizes respectable nature and complete purity. Generally, the plant in this color has eight petals.

Pink Lotus: even in softer tones, the pink lotus is considered the most important of all the others, as it is associated with great divine characters, such as the Buddha, for example.

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Blue Lotus: the plant in blue color is linked to spiritual triumph related to the senses. It means knowledge and knowing. This type of lotus flower does not reveal what is inside, as most of the time its petals are closed.

Red Lotus: associated with honor and the pure nature of the heart. This lotus flower represents compassion, love and passion, as well as the qualities of a heart. The red lotus is also called Avalokitesvara — the flower of the Buddha of Compassion.

When the lotus flower does not open, it is considered a symbol of man's innumerable possibilities. When it opens, it represents the purity of the creation of the entire Universe.

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