
Throughout the ages, there have always been men and women in search of answers that religions did not offer. These seekers were often marginalized for not conforming to the way religions treated certain issues, so they found alternative ways of seeing meaning in their deeper issues.

They doubted the claims imposed by the religious leaders, and thereby doubted their authority. These seekers believed in free will, while religions spoke of salvation or punishment, heaven and hell. The vast majority, out of fear or devotion, remained faithful to religious dogmas, but there were those who believed in other ways to reach God.

Murat esibatir / Pexels

The alchemists sought answers by working hidden in their laboratory, where they sought, among other goals, to turn lead into gold.

In the light of Kabbalah, lead represents the density of the material world, while gold signifies the preciousness, brilliance, and immeasurable worth of the spiritual sphere.

The quest of the alchemists symbolizes the path that we can all take to raise our level of consciousness, through the practice of spiritual work.

Just as fire glows and transforms metal, the daily challenges we go through refine us, polish us until we elevate our consciousness.

Many seekers were persecuted and burned, accused of practicing witchcraft.

The Kabbalists of the past and their students were also marginalized as they focused their studies on less obvious levels of Scripture in addition to other documents. They talked about the power of mind over matter, reincarnations, about the influences of heavenly bodies on men and nature, recited formulas to raise their levels of consciousness, and gave new interpretations to Old Testament passages, which was considered heresy.

Kabbalah has withstood the ages, but until recently studying it was the privilege of the chosen few, who should be male, over 40 years old, rabbis or versed in the Law, and even so subject to judgment, often subjective, by part of their masters (although Kabbalah teaches not to judge).

Starting in the 70s, the wisdom of Kabbalah began an irreversible process of opening up, fortunately allowing men, women and children of all backgrounds, races and creeds to benefit from its ancient and precious teachings.

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If Kabbalah has also been classified as witchcraft, mysticism or the study of chance and the knowledge of Evil, it has things in common with the seekers who were burned at the stakes of the past.

The very word β€œAbracadabra” derives from the Hebrew, meaning β€œI create as I speak”, in allusion to the power of the words spoken.

If before the glow of bonfires lit up the nights as a warning, today we can show the light of our soul as a sign of spiritual elevation.

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