What is the feeling of gratitude?

The feeling of gratitude is what manifests itself when someone does something positive for us and when we realize the grandeur of our achievements. So it's like a sense of recognition for someone else's work, whether it's someone else's or ourselves.

However, there are also other ways to think about gratitude. To delve deeper into this feeling, enjoy the content we have prepared. With it, you will have a new perception about your life!

Different perspectives on gratitude

What is the feeling of gratitude?
Anika Huizinga / Unsplash

Gratitude is a feeling explored by many ways of seeing the world. Religion, psychology and philosophy will expand your knowledge on the subject next!

1) Religion

In most religions, the feeling of gratitude is what drives us to do good deeds. In Catholicism, gratitude to Jesus Christ for having died in the name of the sins of humanity is one of the main mottos of belief.

In the Qur'an, the phrase “And when Allah declared: If you are grateful, I will give you more, but if you are ungrateful, my punishment will be severe indeed” highlights the importance of cultivating this feeling.

That is, gratitude, in a religious sense, can be associated with the Law of Attraction. This means that you will attract what you cultivate. As you recognize Jesus' sacrifice and do good, you will have prosperity. On the other hand, by showing your gratitude for life, you will get everything you need.

2) Psychology

For psychology, gratitude has an especially positive effect on a person's mental health. If we exchange complaints for gratitude, for example, we will feel more optimistic and willing over time.

What is the feeling of gratitude?
Brett Jordan / Unsplash / Me Without Borders

From this perspective, it is possible to feel grateful for the past, present or future. In the first case, gratitude manifests itself when we recover memories and are happy for everything that happened to us.

Gratitude for the gift, in the second case, is what shows us that not everything will go according to our plans, but we will still manage. Finally, we feel gratitude for the future while holding out hope that better times will come.

3) Philosophy

Although philosophy is a very broad area of ​​study, we can understand gratitude through one of the theories of this type of knowledge. In this sense, gratitude would be a way of sharing. Like this?

Think about the greatest things you've ever accomplished. Chances are you got help from other people to do them perfectly. So, the joy for these achievements must be shared with those who were by your side.

For a selfish person, however, gratitude is difficult to apply. This is because she is not able to recognize that she has had help and does not want to share with others what seems to be only her own. Have you shared your achievements with those who have always been by your side? Reflects!

How to express gratitude?

What is the feeling of gratitude?
Anthony Shkraba / Pexels / Me Without Borders

Expressing the gratitude you feel is simpler than it sounds. With small everyday attitudes, you can already show that you value the life you have and the people who are by your side, even with all the challenges. Get inspired by this list:

1) Hug someone who always helps you;

2) Saying “thank you” more often;

3) Give thanks for your life daily;

4) Give a souvenir to those who help you;

5) Recognize your achievements;

6) Write a gratitude journal;

7) See challenges as a chance to evolve;

8) Take advantage of the opportunities that life offers;

9) Meditate on your life;

10) Make yourself available to help those who support you.

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From each reflection presented, we conclude that gratitude is a transforming feeling. Through it, we recognize the beauties and difficulties of life, with the certainty that we will have the necessary support to face any obstacle. In addition, we can incorporate simple habits to express gratitude with greater commitment and truth. Spread the good!

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