How to Use Yoga to Treat Arthritis

    According to the Spanish Society of Rheumatology, around 2 million Spaniards are affected by arthritis, most of whom discover this disease before age 40. The symptoms are mainly unexplained and intense pain in the joints and connections throughout the body. They are usually pains that start right at dawn with the feeling of a rigid body when waking up and bones cracking for no apparent reason. It is a disease that can progress quickly and requires attention.

    There are several treatments for arthritis, but most of them only minimize the pain and discomfort, not cure the condition permanently. Yoga can be an important ally in the treatment of this type of disease and can be practiced by most patients with arthritis. Obviously, it is not recommended to start any type of treatment without medical supervision, but some basic positions can help anyone who wants almost instant relief from their discomfort. Check out:

    Tadasana (Mountain Pose)

    How to Use Yoga to Treat Arthritis

    Standing straight, keep your body straight, arms along your body slightly apart. Keep your legs extended and feet parallel. Stay 10 seconds in this position. Then raise your arms and continue with the rest of your body in the same pose. Stay for the same time as the previous posture. Do 5 reps.

    Virabhadrasana (Warrior Pose)

    How to Use Yoga to Treat Arthritis

    Stand with your legs apart and form a triangle with your arms outstretched. Keep your palms facing outward and your face towards your left hand. Bend your left knee and turn your foot to the same side. The right leg should be extended with the foot facing forward. Return to the starting position and do the same movement to the opposite side. Do five repetitions for each side.

    Chakrasana (Air half wheel)

    How to Use Yoga to Treat Arthritis

    Stand up straight, keep your shoulders loose, legs extended and feet slightly apart. Inhale deeply and lift your arms while leaning your body back. Return to the starting position and repeat this movement five times.

    Mirtasana (Dead Pose)

    How to Use Yoga to Treat Arthritis

    Lie on your stomach and spread your arms and legs. Relax and breathe gently for as long as you feel necessary and are comfortable.

    Written by Roberta Lopes from the Eu Sem Fronteiras team.

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