What is the Compro de Quem Faz movement (CDQF)

People are so used to buying from companies that sell packaged and ready-made products that they do not reflect on the impact that these goods can have on their daily lives. Some even prefer to pay more than buying from someone close by, and end up not contributing to local businesses.

But do you know what it means CDQF, or rather, 'Buy from Who Makes'? It is a movement that seeks to encourage those people who make their own products to sell, such as artisans and artists, for example.

Contributing to a more sustainable world

What is the Compro de Quem Faz movement (CDQF)The Compro de Quem Faz movement has several objectives, from helping to reflect on excessive consumption, promoting the creative economy in the region, raising awareness about sustainability, to encouraging people to produce their own things.

How many times have you not bought something that you could have bought from someone who lives in your area? Helping people to publicize their work, helping the community and even contributing to this movement that favors a collaborative economy are some of the advantages.

In a time of excessive consumption, obsolescence of materials and lack of reflection on the part of most people about the products they buy, it is never too late to rethink how they are involved with the materials they have acquired and what value they give them.

Much more than a style, it's a choice

On the website of Compro de Quem Faz there is a manifesto explaining the importance of buying products from someone who made them with their own hands. The four topics covered are: personal, style, powerful and national.

It's personal because you will value the work of the person who did it and was not exploited, for example, by a large corporation. It's a style because it's a way of looking at the world, and you support this person's lifestyle by doing this profession. It's powerful because it's a shopping alternative that generates a national impact and helps strengthen your neighborhood, city and country. Any other questions about how good it is to choose to buy from those who make it?

What is the Compro de Quem Faz movement (CDQF)

How to start?

Pay attention to the fairs in your city, whether in squares or events. Take a look at those people who are selling something they produced themselves, whether it's handicrafts, organic products, food, thrift stores, custom clothes and so on.

Buying from those who make you will be helping people, valuing their work and, consequently, bringing good results to your neighborhood. You will also be reducing the impacts on society, as you stop buying from a large industry that, most of the time, exploits its workers.

The benefits are numerous, and you will find that your behavior will change too. After all, collaborating with the other, and still knowing, is much better than buying something that you don't know how it was made, what labor was used, resources used, etc. What do you think? How about starting soon to buy from those who make it?

Text written by Angélica Fabiane Weise from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team

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