What is resilience?

Have you always wanted to know exactly what resilience is, but have never been explained properly? Well, we are going to explain the meaning of this one, which is not just another fashionable word: it is an extremely essential attitude to help us overcome a difficult or stressful situation.

If you have the ability to adapt to life's adversities, you can consider yourself a resilient person. This is very good, because it usually indicates that your inner strength is triggered when you need to overcome obstacles.

To learn more about this important subject these days, read on. Let's understand and develop resilience?

What is resilience?

The meaning of resilience is all about a person's ability to move forward in the face of obstacles, suffering, sadness and stressful experiences.
It is being able to adapt to difficult situations and maintain emotional integrity after complicated experiences. You can? It's not always easy, is it?

While all people can experience conflict and painful situations, those who develop resilience are able to overcome these difficulties without letting them affect their physical and mental health.

Self-knowledge is also very important at this time, because it is through an internal force that each individual will access resilience.

Resilient behavior brings many benefits! Understand, in the topic below, what are the advantages of making an effort to develop this skill.

Benefits of being resilient

Next, we will present 3 benefits that, by developing resilience, you can conquer and give an "up" in the way you live your day to day.

  • 1 - Quality of life

The attitude of being resilient improves your quality of life, you know? The decrease in anxiety is one of the benefits that can occur, as the resilient person understands that there is no point in having too much focus on the future.

But be careful, don't confuse resilience with acceptance of disrespectful situations, in which even your health is harmed. Resilience yes, humiliation no!

If you are having a resilient behavior in a balanced way, your quality of life will have significant gains.

  • 2 - Healthy self-esteem

Your self-esteem becomes healthy because you will be able to overcome obstacles in a way that neither your physical nor mental health is harmed.

Resilience, when practiced in balance, only brings benefits. So make sure you are not overstepping your limits by exaggerating your behavior.
Remember: moderation always!

  • 3 - Self-knowledge

Self-knowledge at this time will help you find balance in behavior to be resilient in a healthy way.

How to be more resilient?

Resilience is a very important behavior and one of the characteristics that we can develop. Therefore, in this topic, we bring some tips on how to be more resilient in some areas of our life. Check out.

resilience in relationships

Resilience will be a great ally to keep relationships healthy. After all, with her, the couple will be able to overcome obstacles without harming the relationship. With less conflicts, generating more well-being for both.

In interpersonal relationships, the same thing happens: relationships become healthier, without fights and competitions.

Here are some tips that apply to both situations of resilience in relationships:

  • Appreciate your vulnerability.
  • Give your arm a twist.
  • Have empathy.
  • Respect each other's limits.
  • Be transparent, showing your wishes.

Resilience at work

At work, it is important to have a resilient behavior in a balanced way, not exaggerating acceptances. After all, we don't need and can't bear everything, as this can generate physical and mental illness.

Therefore, in the professional environment, use resilience overcoming obstacles, overcoming challenges, learning from mistakes, strengthening yourself. Oh! There are tips to apply at work too. Read below!

– Give feedback.
– Invest in your emotional intelligence.
– Learn from criticism.
– Have a purpose at work.
– Believe in your potential.

Resilience in personal life

In personal life, resilience is more than essential. You must have already figured out why. After all, she is the one who will help us face the problems.

Between ourselves, we know that it is impossible to go through life's journey without them. So why not take advantage of some of the β€œadvice” below to be more resilient in your personal life?

  • Develop self-knowledge.
  • Cultivate interpersonal relationships.
  • Focus on what is most important to you.
  • Build a support network.
  • Practice self-care.

Now that you understand a little more about what resilience is, let's train with the 7 Cs?

The 7 Cs of Resilience

Pediatrician Ken Ginsberg developed a model of resilience for teenagers that includes 7 points, that is, the famous 7 Cs of resilience. Check out what they are below.

1 - Competence

Competence is directly linked to the ability to manage the emotional side effectively, in order to have more assertiveness in attitudes, taking risks, solving problems.

This means that the person who developed the competence knows how to deal with situations responding effectively, that is, knowing how to act when necessary and remain silent when necessary, but always facing adversity.

2 - Trust

If you, in the face of a challenge, believe that you will be able to overcome a certain situation, betting on your overcoming potential, then you are fine with your confidence, being resilient in your behavior.

What is resilience?
lassedesignen / Shutterstock

3 - Character

Character is a big component of resilience as it will show you the right way and the wrong way, in a flexible way.

4 - Contribution

Have you ever stopped to think if you are contributing to someone? If you are one of those people who also care about someone else's growth, know that you are fine in this aspect of resilience. Keep it up, it's a key part of staying resilient.

5 - Connection

Do you feel connected with your friends and relatives? And even in connection with the transformations of the world? This facilitates the development of empathy which, consequently, is very important for resilience.

6 - Combat

Combat involves finding a solution to the problem you are experiencing. But beware, it shouldn't be a reactive attitude. Appropriate self-knowledge to know when to act and listen. In this way, you will come out of passivity, but with better control of emotions.

What is resilience?
Allan Wood Photography / Shutterstock

7 - Control

We talk so much about self-knowledge in this article! Know that, at this point of resilience, it is fundamental, because balance is always responsible for the best attitudes.

Inside your emotions, you will be able to take responsibility for your actions without blaming others.

Resilience: everyone can develop

Want some good news? Resilience can be learned! It is not a particular characteristic or quality of each individual.

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What's up? Are you a resilient person? One of the ways is by going deep into knowledge and learning more about the topic. Follow the Eu Sem Fronteiras website and stay on top of everything.

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