What is it to be a hypersensitive person?

How many times have you heard the word “sensitivity” as synonymous with weakness, fragility or insecurity? Yeah, that's a mistake. Sensitivity is not a trait we should avoid. Because it helps us to see life with more beauty, with more emotion, and not purely as something rational.

But what about when sensitivity is too much? Can she get in the way? Can it create people who have difficulty dealing with the events of their life, with their feelings and emotions? These are the hypersensitive people, who are very different from the highly sensitive people. Got confused? Let's explain!

What is a highly sensitive person (PAS)?

This article is not about highly sensitive people. But to talk about hypersensitivity, we need to talk about PAS too, as these two concepts often get mixed up, causing confusion. So let's clarify!

Highly sensitive people are those who have their most sensitive sensitivity — and that includes the positives and negatives of it. Among the traits of PAS are feeling things (and needing them to be that way) more deeply, being more emotional and less rational, appreciating your solitude, and taking time to make decisions.

What is it to be a hypersensitive person?
Liza Summer from Pexels/Canva

In addition, other characteristics are getting upset more easily, feeling very uncomfortable in the face of regrets, being detail-oriented, working well in a team, showing a lot of empathy, having sensitivity in the five senses (such as annoyance in the face of loud sounds and strong odors, among others) .

Finally, the highly sensitive person feels a lot very intensely, and, although this can cause problems, especially in the superficial society we live in today, it can help him to establish deeper relationships and live everything more deeply.

What is a hyper sensitive person?

Unlike the highly sensitive person, hypersensitivity is a problem. It represents an extreme fragility and a major emotional imbalance, which has other consequences, which we'll talk more about later.

Often, hypersensitivity is a result of trauma, problematic situations and relationships and that create in the person manias of persecution, insecurities, among other bad consequences that settle in their personality.

A PAS can become hypersensitive if they do not acquire self-knowledge and emotional intelligence and/or go through traumatic situations and relationships, but the two things do not necessarily go together.

Characteristics of a hypersensitive person

Hypersensitivity is not a disease and depends a lot on the situations that the person went through for it to develop. So your “symptoms” vary a lot from case to case. Therefore, only a psychologist can make the proper assessment. However, among its most common features are:

1 - Insecurity: always thinking that you are doing everything wrong, that you will be punished, that it is impossible to gain trust or please other people.

2 – Persecution mania: habit of seeing in any word or action of the other an offense or personal aggression, among other traits, such as irony.

3 – Use of negative tools: manipulations, emotional blackmail, retaliation of non-existent aggressions and passive-aggressive reactions are used to deal with their own insecurities.

What is it to be a hypersensitive person?
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4 – Ease of offense: is easily offended, overreacts even when not offended, and finds it difficult to apologize and turn the page.

5 – Low emotional intelligence: cannot control their emotions, for example, to work properly, maintain stable relationships, prevent the deterioration of friendships and family relationships, and find it difficult to balance their emotions.

6 – Creates conflicts: unlike PAS, it creates conflicts in any situation and finds it difficult to contribute to “peace” when the “war” is over.

How to deal with hypersensitivity?

The best way to deal with your hypersensitivity is to look for therapeutic help. As we explained at the beginning of the article, hypersensitivity is usually the product of trauma and negative situations experienced in the past. Therefore, it is essential to investigate where this hypersensitivity and these traumas come from, so that it is possible to cure them.

Getting into that “pit” of pain and suffering can be quite painful if you do it alone or even with the help of friends. Looking for a professional, someone trained and prepared to listen to you carefully, without judgment and who has the tools to help you deal with all this, is essential.

Hypersensitivity is curable It's not your fault and it's not a problem you'll carry around for the rest of your life.. It is a phase caused by negative situations and traumas. So when you overcome them, this whole situation will be behind you, and you will be able to move on, in peace and tranquility.

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Anyway, these are the main characteristics of hypersensitivity, a problem that can greatly harm the emotional life and relationships of people who suffer from it. But there is treatment, and it is possible to leave this situation behind. So get help!

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