What is rebirth therapy?

The fast pace at which people are moving causes many to produce actions and behaviors in “automatic” mode. Reflections, relationship with thoughts and, especially, breathing, are in an accelerated process in a way that one is not aware of what is happening.

In this way, rebirth therapy, also known as Rebirthing, uses the breath to understand divine energy. Breathing is fundamental and occupies a central role in our life. The way we breathe is about how we feel.

If we are tense, breathing is faster. The vast majority of people have rapid breathing where heart levels pulse rapidly. When the breath is lighter, the way we feel and behave in the face of obstacles is different, we have more clarity of solutions.

How it works?

The technique must be developed by a person who has taken the course and understands rebirth therapy and needs to be applied correctly, otherwise it can bring emotional out of control and even more tension buildup.

His method is the connection between exhalation and inhalation, but whoever observes it is the rebirther. It is called circular breathing, where you must breathe correctly. The session can last about an hour, where the practitioner does a kind of massage from the inside out and this can release some memories and breaths.

It began to be developed by the American Leonard Orr, in the 70s, after meditating and breathing in his bathtub. His method soon spread along with the hippie wave in different parts of the world and gained many adepts. Despite its diffusion, the alert is for this technique to be done individually with the follow-up of the Renascedor.

Breath as vital energy

What is rebirth therapy?
Photo by Mor Shani on Unsplash

The way we breathe carries with us memories, traumas. Relearning to breathe can heal even trauma and sad feelings. Rebirth therapy is not the only one to use the breath to control one's state of mind, Yoga itself benefits from the breath.

Therefore, many followers of the technique of rebirth claim to say that the method is the "new yoga", "yoga of eternal life" or "yoga of longevity". What happens is that when we breathe the purest energy we are able to elevate and solve some mental and physical problems.

Benefits of rebirth therapy

  • Improves breathing capacity;
  • Overcoming trauma;
  • Improves the nervous system;
  • Decreases stress;
  • Feeling of deep relaxation;
  • Decreased anxiety and fear;
  • Feeling of well-being;
  • Feeling of inner peace.

a cut of memories

What is rebirth therapy?
Photo by Kristin Wilson on Unsplash

Specialist José Ângelo Gaiarsa has already stated: “In 50 years of professional activity, with countless searches and experiences, circular breathing seems to me the best attempt to solve emotional problems of anyone, and whatever the nature of the problem, and frequent practice stimulates a continuous process of change”.

It's good that there are techniques that are able to improve the conditions and sensations of the human being. Balancing feelings and memories is very difficult for some, so rebirthing therapy can be a great alternative that can change your life.

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