What is Macrobiotic Diet?

The macrobiotic diet is a type of oriental diet that was disseminated in the West by the Japanese George Ohsawa. It is based on classifying foods according to the concept of balance represented by the oriental symbol of Yin Yang. Some foods are Yin, while others are Yang. With this, the balance between foods is sought, as it is believed that they influence not only the body, but also the mind and general well-being of the individual.

The Yin Yang is a symbol that comes from Taoism, a Chinese religion that exposes all the duality of the universe. Taking this concept to macrobiotic food, we have sweet and cold foods related to Yin, and salty and hot foods related to Yang. To achieve balance, these two types of foods should always be in the diet.

What is Macrobiotic Diet?

One of the main points of this menu is to avoid industrialized and processed products. The consumption of natural products is encouraged, preferably planted and cultivated by the person himself, without pesticides and preservatives.

To get an idea of ​​what makes up this type of diet, here are some foods that are or are not allowed:

Allowed foods
  • Fermented soybeans, grains in general, soup, fish, vegetables, seeds, fruits in general.
Food not allowed
  • Soft drinks, alcoholic beverages, chocolate, refined flour, meat, dairy, caffeine, preservatives.

Taking into account that food affects people's mental state and the link of the macrobiotic diet with Eastern philosophies of harmony, we can see that it is linked to a more zen and peaceful lifestyle. Therefore, it can be an interesting option of eating habits for those who are adepts of meditation and followers of eastern philosophies in general.

What we always warn here at Eu sem Fronteiras is the need to consult with a nutritionist before going on a diet that is very different from your current eating habits. Your health can benefit from new habits, but always keep your medical exams up to date and have a follow-up by health and nutrition professionals, so you don't run the risk of lacking important nutrients for your health.

Text written by Ricardo Sturk from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.

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