Kindness: why does the world need this feeling?

Kindness means doing good to others, and there are people willing to do that, even though we don't have this knowledge, since in traditional media these guidelines are not relevant. Society has become accustomed to believing that the world is in a real tragedy. Of course, it's not a lie. But there are good things happening out there and there are many examples. But everyone knows that humanity itself is in need of more kindness.

With this feeling, it is possible to reduce the rates of violence, build a more egalitarian society that respects others and also transform human beings into more optimistic people.

How to be kinder?

Kindness: why does the world need this feeling?There is no way, no rule to become kinder. This practice that is cultural and familiar doesn't need much. Sometimes we are kind and don't notice how we make a difference in people's lives. Research published in the online journal Greater Gold, from the University of Bekerley, showed that to increase our happiness, it is enough to help others.

And that's it. How do you feel when you help someone? Do not feel good? Important? Active? Here it is necessary to emphasize that helping others needs to be done with the heart, and not out of interest. In this sense, kindness needs to be put into practice and trained!

This feeling is reflected and is a current that passes to others. The kinder we are to others, the better relationships we create and the more kindness we can kindle in these people's hearts.

Why does the world need more kindness?

Relationships are very liquid and artificial. Violence, brutal deaths, children starving, cruelty became routine. It is as if these facts were incorporated into our daily lives and, in fact, they are. But that's not the way out. We need to join forces to fight for a fairer world.

Causes involving kindness are present in everyday life, but more is needed. It is necessary to open the heart to the challenges, to what frightens us. You have to ask for help and still offer help. 

A fairer world cannot be built without kindness. And for that, we don't need to accept that this is an impossible task to be put into practice. 

The most important of all this is to break paradigms and barriers. It's overcoming prejudice. It's being attentive to those who need it most. Free heart and open mind can transform the world.

Written by Angelica Weise of the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team

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