What is being in harmony?

We talk a lot about harmony: the chakras, the bodies, getting into harmony, home in harmony.

Sometimes I think that when we dissect a term, it becomes easier to put it into practice.

The dictionary defines “harmony”, among other things, as: “proportion, pleasant order, conformity, coherence”.

How does this translate into practical life?

Harmonization in Ayurveda

What is being in harmony?

For this philosophy, health is having your body, your soul, your senses and your mind in harmony.

This involves balancing your doshas or functional groups, and then considering whether you agree with your original biotype or whether one dosha is more in evidence.

To be in harmony, you must be coexisting well with the time of year, with your age, with the place where you live.

In your body, your metabolism must be working perfectly, your excretions, your tissues.

From this state of harmony you can find your dharma, what you came to earth to do.

Harmonization in Anthroposophy

What is being in harmony?

For Anthroposophy, being in harmony is having a balance of the physical, etheric, astral and spiritual bodies (and their necessary for the vital body (or chi, or prana). Hence the success of books such as “The Miracle of the Morning”. ).

You achieve the balance of the physical body through the correct diet, preferably biodynamic or organic, for example.

One of the ways to balance the etheric body is through routine, especially in children. Routine gives energy

To balance the astral body it is necessary to work on the emotions. This can be done through art, for example.

Spiritual practices, such as meditation, work in harmonizing the spiritual body.

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other currents

Several other streams deal with harmonization in various ways.

What is the Wheel of Life, a tool used in coaching, if not a way to verify that all areas of our life (body, mind, social life, sex life, professional life, spirituality, etc.) are working harmoniously?

Or if we think, for example, that each chakra is responsible for an aspect of life, when we do experiences or therapies to harmonize the chakras, we are trying to balance each area related to that energy center, thus bringing the sensation of "order" that the dictionary calls.

Where to start?

As I mentioned in another text, in the book Psychology of the Soul, Joshua David Stone says that we should not consider the body

physical as of lesser importance. Through it we can achieve the harmonization of all other bodies. Why, then, not start with him?

Do you feel good about your weight, your flexibility, your sexuality?

You can print a Wheel of Life (there are several on the internet) and attack one area at a time. If you're feeling lonely, start with your social life.

Wishing you a harmonious 2020, with lots of inner peace! Thanks for following me!

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