choose not to suffer

Being born and dying are often painful events that cause us deep disturbances, but have you ever wondered what is born and what dies? Wouldn't we be too identified with the body and the mind, and maybe that's why these events are so painful?

“Everything is pain”, as our dear Renato Russo said, referring to the noble Buddhist truths, but I disagree. First of all, Buddha said that everything is suffering and not pain and there is a big difference between the two. To suffer is to process pain, because pain is just information and will be qualified by whoever perceives it. Pain is natural, almost always necessary, but suffering is optional.

I consider that only what is not real is made with the raw material of pain. Pain arises from an identification created with the experience, with the life of a character and with the plot of a movie with which we get involved, therefore, it is a much more physical phenomenon than consciential.

When the subject is in the Supreme, there is no suffering, but to reach this condition, it will be necessary to let go of everything that holds him to matter. Only knowledge can set you free.  

Life is an experience that should be lived without a goal, just as an experience, however, we believe that we need to seek something, achieve goals, conquer or develop consciousness or spirit and this is the big mistake, simply because we don't realize that we are being driven by desires. As long as there are desires, we will be trapped in the Wheel of Samsara, that is, as long as there are illusory needs, we will be trapped in constant returns in matter and subject to the imperatives of pain.

There is nothing to be developed in us, since our Nature is already perfect. We cannot say that we are divine only lip service, it is necessary to create new models of thought based on this axiom.

There is nothing to seek or conquer either, because being divine we already have everything, the entire Universe is ours. The entire Universe is our creation! If we believe that we are the creature and not the creator, we will live eternally trying to realize the object and not the subject. The object is born and dies, the subject is eternal, he just observes. We may not be aware of this yet, but we are the creative instance itself. The only thing that develops gradually in us is our notion of reality.

In our stage, we get confused with thoughts, we believe that we are thoughts, but what, in fact, are these thoughts? Anything! They have no life of their own, they are just objects, never the Subject. How can we believe that thought can think? Who is thinking the thought? This is curious, but all mental phenomena are only effects and not the cause of anything.

choose not to sufferWe suffer death because we believe that we were born and that we are this body of flesh and this mind loaded with desires, totally insatiable. In fact, what is born and dies is not Real, the Real is eternal, immutable, uncontaminated, indestructible, perfect and these attributes exist neither in the body nor in the mind, but only in Pure Consciousness.

What to do then? Simply nothing! As long as there is a need to do something, you will remain trapped, enslaved on a mental plane and identified with the body. Jesus had to do nothing in the desert, renouncing all the offerings of the devil, which were nothing more than his own mind resisting that process of liberation. Buddha had to do nothing, sitting under a tree for six long years, suffering all the onslaughts of Mara, the demon, who was none other than his own ego trying to dissuade him. Ramana Maharshi needed to be silent for thirteen years to become enlightened and all those who freed themselves and managed to wake up worked on developing a deeper sense of reality to understand that they were neither body nor mind.

Human nature is made of love and not of pain; it is made of peace and not of affliction; it is made of light and not of darkness; everything that makes us suffer only signals how far we are from reality and how much we still don't know ourselves.

Courage, confidence, joy, perseverance, serenity, resignation and humility are just some attributes of the true Being, they are part of our essence. If you cannot express these virtues, it means that you are not in your own power. Each and every human effort can only be legitimate if it has as its objective the re-encounter with one's own essence.

It seems strange to say this, but you are not the one who suffers.

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