What is a good character?

Character is a combination of moral traits formed by the way of acting and reacting. It is the set of qualities and defects of a person that determines his conduct and morality, his character. Your values โ€‹โ€‹and morals define the consistency of your actions, procedure and behavior. A good character does not get carried away by some dubious proposal that seems easier to accomplish something. Even though it seems like the best way to go, it's character that will determine the choice.

Character has to do with the psychological profile of the person, which directs his attitudes and the way he feels and thinks. It is what we usually understand as a person's qualities and defects.

What is a person of good character?

Good character presents an honest, correct, firm behavior that is based on other qualities that follow a morality. But when the individual has a negative, dubious character, capable of practicing disloyal, malicious and treacherous acts, he is classified as a bad character, who is not a reliable and honest person.

What to do to have a good character?

Character corresponds to the character and nature of the individual, and they are projected through Personality and the way of interacting with the world, and Temperament, the way we express instincts, feelings, actions and emotions. Your choices, social relationships, work, way of expressing yourself, goals, etc. The character is influenced by several factors, such as: family, education, health, food, coexistence, environment, lived experiences, culture and determination.

What is a good character?
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How do you know if a person has a good character?

There is no magic formula to fully and perfectly discern the character of people, but it is possible to observe in good character, for example, fundamental traits of honesty, loyalty, empathy, gratitude, humility, courage and ethics. Discipline, focus and flexibility to learn new things are also some points that can be identified. Observe their genius, mood and temperament, the way they express themselves, the ability to adapt and the way they interact and respond to the environment in which they live.

What does it mean to be good or bad?

When someone has a balanced, firm and cohesive character, he is likely to act with more lucidity, clarity and awareness.

A person who allows himself to be corrupted, becomes unbalanced and is easily influenced, a person without humility, who is wrapped in petty thoughts, who lives only for himself and who lacks lucidity, is an example of a person who continues to feed his bad character. Weaknesses, cowardice, dishonesty, greed, victimism, selfishness, falsehood, brutality and others make a character corruptible and influenceable.

On the other hand, a person with virtues such as courage, honesty, loyalty, trust, compassion, serenity and others, make a strong and integral character, has characteristics of a good character.

What is a good character?
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Is there anyone totally good or totally bad?

For Socrates, the good was the path that reason pointed out, so that all things that were true were good, beautiful, and just. Evil, on the other hand, is the absence of wisdom, so that no one would act badly out of will, but only out of ignorance of what true good would be.

The doctrine of the middle ground of the Greek philosopher Aristotle represents all the virtues as a balance between the vices of excess and those of defect. โ€œThe man who fears everything is a coward, but the man who fears nothing is rash.โ€

Sigmund Freud, a neurologist and psychoanalyst, developed the theory of the Id, Ego and Superego, which divides the instances that form the human psyche into three, according to his studies on psychoanalysis, and relativizes some classifications of good or bad character.

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  • Reflect on what character is and adapt your behaviors
  • Understand how a person's character is formed in society
  • Explore what separates good from evil and rethink your concepts!

The Id is the component of primitive desires, wills and instincts. The Ego arises from the interaction of the human being with his reality, adjusting his primitive instincts (the Id) with the environment in which he lives. It is the balance of the psyche that seeks to regulate the id's impulses, while at the same time trying to satisfy them more realistically. The Superego represents moral and cultural values. It acts as an โ€œadvisorโ€ to the Ego. It is a warning about what is or is not morally accepted in a broad context.

Being "nice" and doing everything "right" is a false idea of โ€‹โ€‹good character, because no one is totally good or bad. It is necessary to understand that the human being has many facets and it is not always possible to see all of them. Some are well hidden in your psyche. Therefore, defining an individual as a good or bad character can be relative and not correspond to the truth.

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