The benefits of being silent every day

On the street, the sound of cars, horns and radio. At work, people talking on the phone, fingers drumming on computer keyboards. In the classroom, students chatting non-stop or children enjoying the break between classes. At home, the pans being washed and put away, the television, the dogs. On social networks, funny videos or cute animals doing some mischief. On television, a series of advertisements, news, movies and series. What other noises are around you in everyday life?

When we pay attention to the sounds that surround us, we realize that life is quite noisy. Some people are even uncomfortable with the silence, even making an elevator ride an attempt to build a conversation. The desire to communicate one's thoughts or to feel that there is some company in the environment (such as people who leave the television on without watching it) makes people break the silence in any situation.

Do a quick exercise. Think about the following reflections: how many times have you been the person who can't handle the silence of an environment or a person? Have you ever left the television on just to feel like someone else was with you? Did you feel fear or discomfort when walking through a quiet room? Were you rooting for someone to put on a song during a car trip? Are you able to appreciate silence?

If you're someone who needs music or noise to feel better, you're missing out on an amazing experience. Remaining in silence, even for a few minutes, can bring benefits to your life and to your coexistence with other people. Next, discover the advantages of being silent!

5 benefits of being silent

1) Favors attention

In a noisy environment, a person can be easily distracted. It's as if she's physically in that place, but mentally she's lost among countless pieces of information. Remaining silent, in this sense, is what allows you to pay attention to a specific activity, in addition to occupying the same place physically and mentally.

2) Facilitates the act of thinking

Many people claim that they can only study or concentrate on something if they are listening to music. And so they come to believe that the brain needs a sound stimulus to function. The truth is that this organ continues to be active when we are silent and can still conduct thoughts more efficiently. If you are in a difficult situation, silently reflecting on it can be more helpful than turning on the sound.

3) Allows dialogue between two people

When thinking of โ€œdialogueโ€, it is common for a person to interpret that he must speak all the time. In this case, it will either be a monologue, with only one person speaking, or it will be a mess, with two individuals uttering words at the same time. Being silent during a conversation is what gives the other person space to express themselves. That's how you'll be able to listen carefully and sensitively.

The benefits of being silent every day
pasja1000 / Pixabay

4) Alleviates the feeling of anxiety

Have you ever felt anxiety seeing a series of notifications coming through your cell phone? The rain of information we receive can be disturbing in different situations. That's why keeping your phone silent for a few hours can help you relax, do other activities, and feel at peace. This silence will be restorative!

5) Relieves stress

When we hear noises and sounds that are not useful for the context in which we are inserted, stress takes over our senses. The desire for people to stop talking, for the street noises to subside or even for a leak to stop dripping grows along with the irritation caused by these noises. Some people say they can't think when a place is noisy and they feel stressed about it. Silence is the solution!

The benefits of being silent every day
Igor Yastrebov / Pixabay

Tips for enjoying silence in everyday life

Knowing all the benefits of being silent, just know how to incorporate this practice into your life, every day. You can create your own rules for this, but here we leave you Some suggestions that will help you in the most varied daily situations:

1) A silent journey

During a trip, whether by car or public transport, be silent, without listening to music. You will have the opportunity to pay attention to the people around you, to be enchanted by the landscape of a new place and, who knows, to decorate the path you are taking.

2) Only the essentials

If you've met a person in an elevator or are close to them in a cafe, there's no need to strike up a conversation as if you're intimate. Remaining silent, in these cases, is a sign of respect. A simple greeting is enough to show that you know the other person is there. Building a conversation this fast can be embarrassing.

3) No more notifications

Cell phone silence is essential for those who need to dedicate themselves to other activities. Leave your phone in airplane mode for a while or leave it turned off. You will notice that you will have a feeling of instant peace, as if all the noise in the environment suddenly stopped. If you don't want to be away from the hammocks for too long, do it for an hour every day.

4) To hear more

When you're talking to a person, instead of systematically interrupting them, telling them things you've remembered or questioning what they're saying, do the exercise of being silent to hear them. In addition to being a sign of respect, it is also a way of communicating with understanding and attention. Try listening more than talking!

5) An efficient recovery

If you're trying to recover from an illness and can't, try staying in a quiet, quiet room for a few hours. You may sleep in this process, but it will be a great exercise for your body to relax and not have to deal with the multiple distractions that noise promotes in our brains.

The benefits of being silent every day
Image of klimkin by Pixabay

6) Appreciate without saying

Facing a new scenario or a breathtaking landscape can provoke the desire to comment on every detail of the space. What if you saved your brain so that instead of seeing and talking, it just saw? It's a way to focus your attention on all the details of this incredible environment. Take in everything there is to see and only then comment on it.

7) A time well spent

Living a unique moment, such as a ceremony or the request that marks the beginning of a relationship, should not include the pollution of noise from all sides. When you are feeling something new, enjoy that feeling, reflect on it, analyze how these sensations are new. There are experiences that not all words are able to translate. So, remain silent for a moment well spent.

8) It's time to reflect

Thinking about attitudes, behaviors and decisions is not always an easy task. And it will be even more difficult if you surround yourself with distractions. Try to reflect on something in a quiet place, without noise disturbing you. You will realize that it is possible to think with more quality about an issue if you don't have to focus on the most varied sounds.

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  • Cherish silence and revolutionize your routine
  • Pay attention to the dangers of noise pollution
  • Find out if you are a person who knows how to be silent

9) For the anger to go away

In a moment of anger, thousands of words and arguments pollute our minds. We want to fight, argue, get satisfaction with the other person. This is where the lack of silence can be aggressive and dangerous. We need to be silent to wait for the anger to pass, put our thoughts in place and only then look for the person we should talk to.

10) Before speaking

Thinking before you speak is intuitive for some people, but new for others. We don't always have to say everything we think. It is necessary to make a self-criticism, to rethink about speeches and feelings that are internalized in us. Through silence, we are able to think before we speak, to say only what will not hurt other people.

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