What I Experienced With Guru Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj

Meditation is gaining more and more adepts in the West, despite the prejudices and misinterpretation that some have of meditation, such as: something boring, serious, done only by monks in the Himalayas… it has been sought out and studied by many.

Science has already proven its benefits, both emotional and physical, and has become highly advisable for a complementary treatment of sleep disorders, diseases and stress.

The most common experience for first-time meditators is the realization of how turmoiled our mind is. Buddhism gives a name to this phenomenon, calls it the “monkey mind”, just like the animal, what catches the mind’s attention, it jumps and follows it, so we spend the day “jumping” from thoughts to thoughts. thoughts, but most of them are unnecessary, distracting and distracting. How to get peace?

What I Experienced With Guru Sant Rajinder Singh Ji MaharajSant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj, an Indian Guru, travels around the world to teach how it is possible to awaken inner peace to achieve outer peace through passive meditation.

His lecture held on 16/11 at Club Homs in SĂŁo Paulo addressed issues such as stress, forgiveness, compassion for others and the need to set aside time daily to perform the technique suggested by him.

After passing through SĂŁo Paulo, he will continue his tour of Belo Horizonte (November 19) and Rio de Janeiro (November 22) giving free lectures and open to the public.


Rio de Janeiro â€“ Explore the Spiritual Realms of Love and Bliss
Order date: November 22, 2015 from 17 pm.
Location: Royal Tulip Rio de Janeiro – Av. Watercolor of Spain, 75, San Conrado.

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