Let the Universe Flow and Flow

You have to understand some things in order to understand your current situation.

Sometimes we go through situations in life that at first seem to be the end of our lives. It could be the death of a loved one, the breakup of a relationship, the estrangement of a long friendship in which eternity was sworn, the resignation of the dream job, the competition for which you studied so hard but did not pass, that trip that had to be postponed...

I believe that this list is endless, because there are countless events that make us so upset and even complaining, without even understanding why so much obstacle.

Let the Universe Flow and Flow
Foto: 123rf.

Look, I'll confess to you:

“It was always easier for me to talk about happiness, love, life and everything positive, because these things are beautiful and charming in themselves.”

But how can you see light in the darkness?

How can you keep hope alive in the midst of so much negativity?

How to keep faith when you need it most?

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I've been in your shoes, I know what it's like to feel ungrounded, cry without even being able to breathe, let out some muffled screams between tears and boogers (laughs), the pain in the chest, without even seeing a direction... The abyss seems to each deeper and deeper… The more we move, the deeper we sink…

It's sad. We just want peace, we just want to understand, we just wish everything had happened differently.

What if I told you it could be otherwise?

Which is otherwise! Only you're so worried you can't see. I was so focused that it came out roasted, only it came out grilled and you don't know how to deal with it.

Let the Universe Flow and Flow
Foto: 123rf.

Did you get the joke?

It doesn't matter your religion, sect, universal attunement… That's not relevant. Faith is totally relevant, because it will turn you around and you will cling to it. You have to be ready for everything, and if things didn't go the way you planned, it just wasn't meant to be.

It's simple: things are what they are.

Even if your world is upside down right now, only you are able to take advantage of this situation and see every possible angle.

Don't be afraid to walk new paths and don't let discouragement take care of you. I know that saying is so much easier than doing, but I know that, in practice, if we turn what was imposed on us as adversity into a possibility, adopting it as a habit, things will improve significantly.

You have to understand that eating junk food is great, but going to a party and enjoying the sweetened cake and enjoying the whole party is even better!

I'm sorry!
Eu te amo!
I'm grateful!

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