What does your acne reveal about you?

It is practically impossible to find someone who has never had a blackhead or pimple in their life. Especially in adolescence, acne problems increase a lot, because of the hormonal pumps that our body produces.

But, far beyond hormone pumps, acne can be a consequence of many other factors, such as health problems and bad habits. Dermatologists and researchers in the field indicate some factors that can lead you to have skin problems, such as acne. Are they:

Stress: that is, the intense life and full of problems to solve can be harming your skin. North American studies from Stanford University prove that stress hinders the body's defense system. This makes the skin more susceptible to bacteria which, in turn, clog pores and cause pimples.

Sleep bad: Sleeping poorly does not directly cause acne, but it is one of its consequences. If you don't have a stipulated sleep routine, sleeping on average the same amount of hours a night and resting your body properly, your body also has a weaker defensive system, giving way to bacteria in the same way as stress. .

Food: have acne problems but don't know why? Think about your food. Often, acne on your face, back, and chest can be a sign that you're not eating right. Foods rich in carbohydrates and dairy products (breads, cookies, potatoes and milk, for example) if consumed in excess, potentiate the emergence of acne.

Polycystic ovary: in adult women, pimples can be signs of a polycystic ovary. The connection, in this case, exists because of the body's hormone levels. It is the hormones that cause ovarian cysts as well as pimples and blackheads on the face. Therefore, the two problems may be connected – it is worth mentioning, however, that this is not a rule.

Cigar: as many say, it is our habits that make our health. Of course, this is not a rule, after all, extremely healthy people are also susceptible to diseases. However, certain habits are very harmful to health, such as smoking. So, know that acne on your face could be caused by smoking if you are a smoker.

What does your acne reveal about you?

ancient medicine

So, think about all your habits, see if any of them fit the ones described above. Does the existence of acne in you now make more sense?

Also, it is important to mention that everything described above is in line with traditional medicine. However, there are other aspects of medicine, such as ancient Chinese medicine, which believe that acne can indicate several other problems in our body, including very serious diseases – it all depends on where acne is positioned on your face.

According to ancient Chinese medicine, it is necessary to analyze in which part of the face you always get a pimple. If it is in the center of the forehead, for example, it is indicative of liver problems. On the highest part of your forehead, the pimple indicates bladder problems.

When located on the temples, the pimple can indicate gallbladder problems. On the tip of the nose, it indicates heart disease. On the cheekbones, acne indicates lung problems, according to ancient medicine.

So, what does your acne say about you?

Written by Giovanna Frugis from the Eu Sem Fronteiras team

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