What does it mean WE ARE ONE!

Nowadays it is very common to hear someone pronounce the expression WE ARE ONE.

This expression is something so intrinsic and, at the same time, so comprehensive that it generates a lot of questions in our mind.

Who among us hasn't stopped to wonder what it means, after all, WE ARE ONE?

The deep sense of WE ARE ONE?

In reality, WE ARE ONE is more of an experience than a definition. This is because it is only possible to fully understand the meaning of WE ARE ONE by living and experiencing life in its nuances, diversity and contradictions.

To be clearer, our experiences can lead us to the experience of SOMOS ONE, even without realizing it.

You must be asking yourself: How so?

Here are some examples and clarifications to make it easier to understand.

The experience of WE ARE ONE

Many characteristics that we have, memories that we carry, emotions that we feel and experiences that we experience have, in some way, the participation of other beings and situations, that is, much of what we are or carry was not produced only by us.

What does it mean WE ARE ONE!
Helena Lopes / Pexels

On the other hand, everything we do with what we are and carry impacts the existence of other beings and life on our planet. This means that the emotions and thoughts we express, the vibrations and energy we give off, and the actions we take affect others.

Furthermore, going further, the more connected and harmonized we are with the Absolute or Unity, which is the Energy associated with the Universal Principle of Life, the Creative Force, with the All that surrounds and permeates everything, and that many call God. , the more we perceive and feel this UNITY, in which we are connected and involved.


BEING UNITY is dealing and expressing our multiplicity with awareness, love and wisdom. Metaphorically, this means that as drops we are isolated and weakened, but as part of the immense Ocean, we are grand and magnificent.

It is easier to perceive this UNITY when we realize that what we do today has an impact on our descendants tomorrow, just as what our ancestors left is part of our reality today.

In this way, even after we are gone, we will continue to live through the effects of our choices and actions. in the same way that those who are gone live in us, by what they did or did not do while they were alive. That's why WE ARE ONE.

WE ARE ONE with Beings of other Species and with Nature

Have you ever stopped to think that everything and everyone that exists is part of this UNITY with us?

Here's an example of this issue:

Once, in the middle of a storm, I saw a spider struggling in the wind to keep its web intact and to remain firm and unharmed by this movement of nature.

Upon witnessing this scene, a sudden and strong compassion came to me, I was able to feel myself the spider and understand the force that moved it instinctively and intelligently so that it could preserve itself from the effect of the wind.

This example illustrates that when we pay full attention to someone or something, we are able to perceive this UNITY.

For clarity, here's another example:

Have you ever been in the middle of nature?

Suddenly, on the beach, on an island, on a mountain, in a wood, in a cave, in the forest or in the countryside?

What does it mean WE ARE ONE!
Lucas Allmann / Pexels

Anyone who has had this experience will understand.

By being in the midst of nature, it is possible to feel that WE ARE ONE with it. This is because in the midst of so much energy, life and high vibration, it is easier to open up and strengthen the connection with the Universal Life Principle that is in everything.

Being involved with nature integrates us with it: WE ARE the trees, the birds, the clouds, the sky, the mountains, the air we breathe, the breeze that touches our skin, the sunlight that illuminates us, in short, we empty ourselves of mental concepts and we fill ourselves with life, with the NOW, that is, we are NOTHING and EVERYTHING at the same time.

How to live this UNITY?

At every moment, our choices and actions echo through eternity, that is, they outline our journey and also interfere in the journey of others.

Therefore, it is very important for our development:

  • Develop consciousness, to transcend the concepts of duality;
  • Know yourself, in order to know the truth that dwells in you;
  • Realize what your true nature is and what choices bring you fullness and balance;
  • Discover your purpose, develop your gifts and put it at the service of the expansion of life, that is, the ALL;
  • Conquering Oneness
  • Deepen your self-knowledge!
  • Expand your happiness with these affirmations
  • Learn to live your essence
  • Get out of negativity and stop feeding conditioning and patterns that harm you;
  • To value the simple, because it is in it that the Essence of Life resides;
  • To be grateful to those who passed through your life, because, in some way, they left a teaching and a contribution to your development;
  • To be open to knowledge, to transformations and to the new, because life is movement, and what does not move stagnates;
  • And, finally, when we face a challenge, extract learning and wisdom from it.

Prove what it is WE ARE ONE

We could address more examples and clarifications, but there is so much wisdom in WE ARE ONE, that it is better to take a break, to reflect, experience and prove for yourself about everything that has been said here.


Now, keep this video with a simple message about: BEING ONE WITH NATURE:

If you want, share with us if you've felt this UNIT and how it was. So we can expand our connection and expand this knowledge further.

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